Mudgee, NSW - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1873 - 1876

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Saint: Mary

Address: 13 Church Street, Mudgee, New South Wales, 2850

Architect: Edward Gell

Traditional Owners: Wiradjuri people

Last Updated: 03/12/2023

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History and Architecture:

The first Catholic Church in Mudgee was built near where the present presbytery now stands and was built of slabs with a bark roof in 1843 on the two acre site of Government granted land.

The 2nd St Mary's was a stone church and was commenced in 1857 and in pursuance of the Governments policy to assist financially the building of all Christian Churches, the Trustees of the Church wrote to the Colonial Architect on the 19th August 1857 that the value of stonework done on the Church was 250 Perches at 4 pounds 10 shillings each totalling £1,125. On the 26th February 1859 the Clerk of Works reported to the Colonial Architect that the total value of work done at that date was £2,575. The building was opened and blessed in March 1860.

A Gothic Revival Church the sanctuary and vestry are part of the original 1857 sandstone building, with the present body added in 1873-76 and the steeple in 1911. The Architect was Edward Gell.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1852 - 1867 Father C. McCarthy
1856 - 1856 Father P. White
1865 - 1866 Rev O. Basanti
1866 - 1912 Monsignor J. O'Donavan
1866 - 1868 Father W. Nugent
1871 - 1873 Father J. Dunne
1873 - 1874 Father M. Ryan
1874 - 1876 Father T. Meagher
1874 - 1876 Father P. Murtagh
1876 - 1876 Father J. Church
1876 - 1876 Father J. Huggard
1876 - 1877 Father W. Meade
1876 - 1878 Father D. McCarthy
1876 - 1880 Father J. Enright
1877 - 1878 Father J. Casey
1879 - 1881 Father M. Hanley
1880 - 1880 Father McAuley
1882 - 1883 Father J. Walsh
1882 - 1884 Father B. Callinan
1884 - 1886 Father M. O'Dea 1892
1884 - 1884 Father T. J. Walsh
1885 - 1891 Archdeacon M. Campion 1931
1885 - 1887 Father J. Ryan
1887 - 1887 Father J. Black
1887 - 1889 Father L. O'Keefe
1890 - 1895 Father M. McGrath
1890 - 1892 Father W. McGrath
1892 - 1892 Father T. Dorn
1891 - 1893 Father T. Doran
1888 - 1899 Father T. Doran
1891 - 1896 Father J. Barry
1900 - 1900 Father T. Doyle
1903 - 1903 Father A. Guillermin
1903 - Father J. Murray
1906 - Father J. Mullins
1906 - 1907 Dean W. Lawler 1932
1911 - 1911 Father J. Parker
1912 - 1912 Father J. Dunne
1912 - 1912 Monsignor E. P. O'Donnell
1912 - 1957 Monsignor E. Flanagan
1912 - 1912 Father C. Loneragan
1919 - 1919 Father A. Guillermin Part time
1926 - 1926 Father M. Nunan
1927 - 1927 Father N. Cooney 1931
1927 - 1931 Father J. Dahill 1951
1930 - 1932 Father J. O'Herlihy 1979
1932 - 1938 Father G. O'Bryne
1937 - 1937 Father A. Maher 1993
1938 - 1948 Monsignor C. Duffy
1947 - 1957 Father A. Maher 1993
1940 - 1950 Father J. Cass 1988
1948 - 1950 Father Harley McKillop 1922 2012
1950 - 1956 Monsignor F. McGuinn 1982
1953 - 1955 Father J. Moore
1956 - 1962 Father M. Keogh
1960 - 1961 Father M. Murphy
1961 - 1964 Monsignor Lawrence Goodacre 1980
1967 - 1970 Father M. Murphy
1963 - 1964 Father J. Gallagher
1964 - Monsignor M. Henry
1964 - 1964 Monsignor B. Smith
1964 - 1965 Father Henry Quigley 1932 2015
1966 - 1966 Father Dr P. Filby
1967 - 1973 Monsignor Michael John McNamee 2000
1968 - 1968 Father Patrick Stanley 2008
1969 - 1969 Father P. O'Donnell
1968 - 1973 Father Liam Doran
1970 - 1972 Father A. Horgan
1972 - 1976 Father J. Bucholtz
1973 - 1974 Father M. Lynch
1976 - 1978 Father M. Blumenthal
1981 - 1982 Father Brien Murphy
1981 - 1982 Father F. Daly
1983 - 1983 Father G. Wilkins
1992 - 1994 Father Brien Murphy
1983 - 1985 Father G. McKeown
1983 - 1991 Father G. O'Connell
1986 - 1987 Father J. Frawley
1988 - 1991 Father G. Kennedy
1991 - 1994 Father A. Hennessy
1994 - 1997 Father P. Dresser
1996 - 2004 Father J. Dooley
2005 - 2015 Father G. McKeown
2010 - 2012 Father G. Bellamy
2012 - 2013 Father R. Jaboneta
2015 - 2017 Father A. Hennessy
2016 - 2017 Father A. Vattakkunnel
2018 - Father Owen Gibbons


Built in 1866 by J.W. Walker of London for St Jude's Anglican Church, Randwick. It consisted of a single manual and 7 stops. It now has 1m., 7 sp. st., pedal pulldowns, 1c., tr.
For a full description and photos click here.


1. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-present.
2. St Mary's Mudgee, 1839 St Mary of the Presentation 2018. LH 282.994 STM
3. Organ Historical Trust of Australia with permission.