North Balwyn, VIC - St Aiden's Uniting

Year Built: 1964

Denomination: Uniting

Saint: Aiden

Address: 17 Duggan Street, North Balwyn, Victoria,

Previous Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri people

Last Updated: 15/02/2022

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History and Architecture:

The Methodist Church, desirous of providing a place of worship in the (new) area, had bought land in Winmallee Road, which was later sold in favour of a block on Doncaster Road purchased for 480 plus solicitors' fees and other expenses amounting to 8.10.3!

On 23rd February 1940 five men met at the Canterbury Parsonage under the chairmanship of the Rev. E.H.O. Nye: Messrs. H.P. Bennett, C. Colder, Albert Charlesworth and Dr. Bartram. These gentlemen, together with Mr. Robin, were elected Foundation Trustees of the North Balwyn Methodist Church, which was to become the youngest member church of the Canterbury Circuit.*

On the 31st March 1963 the site of St Aidan's Church in Duggan Street, was dedicated by the Reverend L.O.C. White. On the 27th of September 1964 the Foundation stone of St Aidan's Church laid by the Right Reverend S.E. Yarnold, Moderator of the General Assembly. On 11th December 1965 St Aidan's Church opened and dedicated by the Presbytery of Melbourne North.

St. Aidan’s and Trinity  joined to become North Balwyn Uniting Church on 13th February, 2011.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1951 - 1952 Rev Keith McDowding P
1952 - 1953 Rev Hamilton W. Aikin P 1983
1953 - Rev John Armour P
1953 - 1955 Rev Hamilton W. Aikin P 1983
1953 - 1955 Rev F. W. Cunningham P
1955 - 1966 Rev L O.C. White P
1967 - 1969 Rev Gordon F.G. Kerry P 1916 1969
1969 - 1970 Rev Colin de la Rue Asst
1970 - Rev Robert Ridley Asst
1969 - 1974 Rev Maxwell J.L. Giffiths P
1974 - 1977 Rev Sydney S. Smale P 1926 2005
1977 - 1986 Rev Neil E. Key U
1988 - 1998 Rev Ravanel N. Weinman U 1933 2018
2000 - 2009 Rev Dr Lorraine J. Parkinson U
2010 - 2019 Rev Anneke Oppewal U
2020 - Rev Dr Avril Hannah-Jones


The organ was built in 1897 by colonial organ-builder E H Jenkins for the Moray Place Congregational Church, Dunedin, New Zealand. It was restored and rebuilt by the South Island Organ Company of New Zealand and installed in St Aidan’s Uniting Church in 1996.


1. From Open Fields, A History of Trinity Uniting Church 1941 - 1991. Winsome Matenson. SLT 287.93 F92M
2. A Church is Built St Aidens' North Balwyn, the story of the first twenty years. LD 285.294511 N81C
3. Church website.