Queanbeyan, NSW - St Stephen's Presbyterian

Year Built: 1874

Denomination: Presbyterian

Saint: Stephen

Address: Corner Morrisset & Lowe Streets, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 2620

Architect: Alberto Dias Soares

Last Updated: 13/03/2024

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History and Architecture:

The incomplete church was opened on March 8, 1874. Two hundred people crowded in and around to hear the Rev. Dr Steel preach at the 11 a.m. opening service.

Thos. Priest was the contractor for the masonry (£101/12/6), T. Jordan for the carpenter's work (£153/12/-), J. Evitts, the plastering
(£75), F. A. Helmund, the painting (£23/7/6) and John Kealman, the interior fittings, the windows, the gates and fencing (£107/16/-). The quarryman was paid £56/5/- and the foundry £35/7/-.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1854 - 1861 Rev A. S. Pennycuik
1864 - 1867 Rev J. Martin
1870 - 1872 Rev W. McKenzie
1881 - 1897 Rev Dr Steel
1897 - 1897 Rev R. E. Hutchinson
1898 - 1898 Rev J. White
1898 - 1902 Rev John Moffatt
1902 - 1904 Rev W. Michael Smith
1904 - 1905 Rev J. Fussell
1905 - 1913 Rev E. Syd. Henderson
1914 - 1916 Rev A. MacIntosh Carter
1917 - Rev David Finlayson
1920 - 1926 Rev A. J. Carter
1926 - 1929 Rev C. C. Wearne
1929 - 1930 Rev J. Frew Brown
1934 - 1938 Rev W. L.I. Arnold
1938 - 1941 Rev D. J. Albert
1941 - 1944 Rev E. S. Robson
1944 - 1947 Rev D. A. Ryrie
1949 - 1952 Rev W. P. Stewart
1953 - 1956 Rev G. G. Eddie
1956 - 1958 Rev S. B. Reeks
1959 - 1962 Rev J. B. Edenborough
1963 - 1966 Rev W. Kinmont
1967 - 1970 Rev W. Porter Young
1970 - 1972 Rev P. M. Clark
1972 - Rev P. A. Davidson
2011 - ? Rev Andrew McConaghy
2020 - ? Rev Jared Dunn Missionary
2024 - Rev Robert McMullan


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. And this stone, the story of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Queanbeyan, on the occasion of the centenary, 1874-1974 from Illuminate.