Rosefield, SA - Uniting

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 2 Carlton Street, Highgate, South Australia, 5063

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 05/02/2022

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History and Architecture:

Also known as William Jefferies Memorial Church. Prior to purchasing the land services were held in private homes around Myrtle Bank. The current Church was built in 1968, following the demolition of the second church which was opened on 21 August 1922. An earlier iron church dated from 1911.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1881 - 1884 Rev T. E. Thomas M
1884 - 1887 Rev A. J. Boyle M
1870 - 1890 Rev W. Reed M
1890 - 1893 Rev Samuel F. Prior M 1851 1919
1893 - 1895 Rev J. Nicholson M
1895 - 1898 Rev C. H. Ingamells M
1898 - 1899 Rev R. Kelly M
1899 - 1902 Rev J. C. Hill M
1902 - 1905 Rev C. Reed M
1905 - 1907 Rev B. Wibberley M
1907 - 1911 Rev I. Perry M
1911 - 1914 Rev W. A. Langsford M
1914 - 1917 Rev G. Hall M
1917 - 1920 Rev George T. Arthur M
1920 - 1921 Rev T. G. White M
1921 - 1926 Rev J. H. Nield M
1926 - 1930 Rev H. A. Gunter M
1930 - 1933 Rev George H. Pemberton M
1933 - 1934 Rev E. W. Caust M
1934 - 1938 Rev N. E. Lade M
1938 - 1940 Rev W. A. Dunn M
1940 - 1944 Rev Robert E. Stanley M
1944 - 1947 Rev C. R.M. Tresise M
1947 - 1952 Rev A. R. Medson M
1953 - 1958 Rev Bill Curry M
2020 - Rev Tony Eldridge U


The first Organ was a small reed type. When the new church was opened in 1922 a new pipe orgran was installed.


Rosefield Reflections A Church History 1911 - 2011