Saddleworth, SA - St Stephen's Catholic

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Saint: Stephen

Address: Barrier Highway, Saddleworth, South Australia, 5413

Architect: Joseph Jones

Traditional Owners: Ngadjuri people

Last Updated: 22/12/2024

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History and Architecture:

The foundation stone for the church was laid and blessed by Bishop Reverend Dr Sheil on the 7th of April 1876. The first Mass was celebrated for Christmas 1869. The Blessing and Dedication of the church was conducted by the then Vicar General Reverend J Smyth on January 16th 1870.

An article in the Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer Fri 21 Jan 1870 in part reads "The solemn ceremony of blessing and opening for divine service the above church took place on Sunday last, the 16th inst. The Very Rev. J Symth, V.G., officiated. Immediately after the ceremony, high mans was sung by Rev. C. Van der Heyden. Rev. Father Streel being deacon, and Rev. Father Kranewitter sub-deacon, and the Rev. Father Tappeiner assistant priest. The Mintaro choir very efficiently performed the musical portion of the service, being conducted by Dr. Vogt. Miss Madigan presiding at the harmonium, who, with the singers ably delivered Webb's Mass in A".

The Church was built by Joseph Jones and was originally planned to be double its current size. 


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
- Father P. Fyfe


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Church website.