Saddleworth, SA - Zion Lutheran

Year Built: 1905

Denomination: Lutheran

Address: Corner Burra & Michael Streets, Saddleworth, South Australia, 5413

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Ngadjuri people

Last Updated: 26/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

Pastor J. Homann began Lutheran services in the Saddleworth area in 1905.

The first of these services was held on 3 March 1905, five families attending on that occasion. They first held services in the Institute or in the adjoining Lodge Room, and later the Baptist Church was hired until their own church was completed in 1925. Progress during these early years was slow and was not marked by any great increase in membership.

By 1923 the work had progressed to such a stage that a meeting on 14 February 1923, under the chairmanship of Pastor H.W.E. Harms, decided to form a congregation to be known as "Zion Congregation of Saddleworth". Those present at this meeting were Messrs H. Blucher, A. Mibus, C. Kurtzer, F. Parbs, F. Vater, H. Moyle and H. Jaensch, who was appointed Secretary.

The Foundation stone was laid on 24 May 1925 and the church was dedicated on 4 October 1925. The church bell was originally used at St Peter's Lutheran Peterborough but was donated on 27 April 2003.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1904 - 1922 Pastor Johannes P.A. Homann ELSA 1875 1929
1922 - 1953 Pastor Johann Heinrich Christian Harms ELSA 1853 1919
1954 - 1970 Pastor Otto Edwin Thiele ELSA & LCA 1901 1971
1971 - 1976 Pastor Ronald Edwin Wilksch LCA 1938 2019
1977 - 1984 Pastor Paul Eugene Albers LCA 1924 2020
1985 - 1993 Pastor Max William Stollznow LCA 1941 2018
1994 - 2006 Pastor Ivan Geoffrey Wooller LCA 1941 2010
2007 - 2014 Pastor Robin M. Zadow LCA
2015 - 2020 Pastor Leon Norman Rosenberg LCA


In 1987 a Hammond electric organ was purchased.


1. Lutheran Archives with permission.