Somerset, TAS - St Barnabas Anglican (Former)

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Barnabas

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 12/12/2022

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History and Architecture:

According to an item in "Church News of May, 1882, a "pleasant and convenient" site had been secured in 1880  and £12/19/6 ($25.95) had been collected at the time towards the building fund. A public picnic on the Cam Cricket Ground (the site of the then Freezlng works) raised £6/16/6 ($13.65) and, with individual donations, the building fund swiftly reached and passed the £50 ($100.00) mark.

The "Church News" reported that the opening by the Administrator of the Diocese, the Venerable Archdeacon Hales assisted by the Rev. B.K. Bourdillon, was well attended. A large number of people came from Emu Bay and other considerable distances. The collection, in aid of the building fund, was £3/1/9 ($6.19).



This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1883 - 1887 Rev B. K. Bourdillon
1887 - 1888 Rev C. W. Corfield
1888 - 1890 Rev W. H. Harrison
1890 - 1893 Rev C. G. Wilkinson
1893 - 1896 Rev G. F.M. Fielding
1897 - 1919 Rev J. T. Wilson
1919 - 1930 Rev W. G. Thomas
1930 - 1933 Rev W. Greenwood
1933 - 1942 Rev F. J. McCabe
1942 - 1945 Rev Reginald Charles Brown
1945 - Deacon C. H. Rose
1946 - 1950 Rev K. J. Hughes
1946 - Rev I. J. Brown
1950 - 1959 Rev O. L. Davis
1959 - 1965 Rev V. Harvey Fuller
1966 - 1968 Rev G. R. Lennox
1968 - 1977 Rev F. E. Coomes
1977 - Rev J. D. Gibson


1. Church of St Barnabas Somerset Tasmania Centenary Celebration. LSC P 283.94636 BAR