South Kolan Hill End, QLD - Methodist (Former)

Denomination: Methodist

Address: Hill End Road, South Kolan, Queensland, 4670

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Taribelang Bunda people

Last Updated: 17/03/2023

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History and Architecture:

In 1882, a Methodist Church was established in South Kolan in the area known as Hill End. In 1903, it was replaced by a new building which was subsequently enlarged.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1904 - 1906 Rev F. Greewood
1906 - 1908 Rev J. R. Williams
1908 - 1911 Rev A. E. Fox
1911 - 1913 Rev F. Greewood
1913 - 1914 Rev I. Bennett
1914 - 1917 Rev E. G. Walker
1917 - 1920 Rev A. S. Rothwell
1920 - 1922 Rev J. F. Everett
1922 - 1925 Rev C. P.J. Clarkson
1929 - 1931 Rev A. Lewis
1931 - 1933 Rev W. Lawton
1933 - 1937 Rev F. Chowns
1937 - 1940 Rev J. Tulip
1940 - 1945 Rev W. H.A. Larkin
1945 - 1949 Rev B. H. Blake
1949 - 1953 Rev A. L. Jensen
1953 - 1956 Rev E. R. Moore
1956 - 1960 Rev N. R. Stoddart
1960 - 1962 Rev A. T. Quant
1962 - 1965 Rev R. L. Barnes
1965 - 1969 Rev D. B. Gulley
1969 - 1970 Rev P. K. Lane
1970 - 1975 Rev C. W. Ayre


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Methodism in Bundaberg 1875 - 1975