Surrey Hills, VIC - St Stephens Presbyterian

Year Built: 1910

Denomination: Presbyterian

Saint: Stephen

Address: Corner Canterbury & Warrigal Roads, Surrey Hills, Victoria, 3127

Architect: Campbell & Kernot

Architectural Style: Gothic Revival

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri people

Last Updated: 12/07/2024

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History and Architecture:

The first divine worship at Surrey Hills 6 February 1887 took place in a Recreation Hall in Windsor Crescent. These services continued until a wooden church was built in Boundary Road (now Warrigal Road) and opened for use in March 1889.*

In September, 1909, the committee reported that tenders had been called for, ( a new church) and that of Mr. A. B. Robertson was accepted. On the 2nd July, 1910, the minister, Mr. McDonald, laid the memorial stone of a fine brick church, in the presence of a large gathering, on which occasion £110 was collected.

The building was completed, and formal possession taken on Saturday, December 10, 1910, when a short service took place, the Revs. W. S. Rolland and D. Ross, M.A., taking part. The church was opened for public worship on the following day, the dedication service being conducted by Rev. Alexander Skene, M.A,, one of the professors in the Theological Hall.

Tenders for a new church were called in September 1909 and that from a Mr Robertson was accepted at a cost of 5,000. The Foundation stone was laid by Reverend McDonald on 2 July 1910.*

A vigorous Gothic Revival church of the Edwardian period distinguished by its picturesque modelling and references to the construction polychromy of the late Victorian period in its use of horizontal cement banding. The gable end to the nave has a circular rose window with lancet form drip mould and cement surround linked to a horizontal cement band tying this element in visually with a slender faceted bell tower, also banded and terminated by an elegant pressed metal faced pinnacle.

The Church was re named St Stephens in 1947 at a naming of the Church ceremony.*


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1889 - 1892 Rev F. A. Darling
1892 - 1913 Rev A. McDonald
1913 - 1917 Rev W. C. Lahore 1934
1917 - 1927 Rev Gillies
1928 - 1944 Rev J. K. Robinson
1945 - 1950 Rev Donavan F. Mitchell
1951 - 1961 Rev W. F. Gilmour
1962 - 1974 Rev W. B. Howden
1974 - 1980 Rev D. M. Bradshaw
1982 - Rev D. Innes
2014 - 2014 Rev C. Siriweera
2014 - Rev John Huynh Asst to 2018
2020 - Rev Oliver Blythe Asst


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Presbyterian Church of Victoria, Centenary Booklet 1887 - 1987. St Stephen's Surrey Hills. LTP 285.29451S22S
2. PresKey
3. Ryerson Index.
4. Jubilee Souvenir History 1887 - 1937 Surrey Hills Victoria. LPT 285.29451 S25J.