Torquay, VIC - St Lukes Anglican

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Luke

Address: 17 Pride Street, Torquay, Victoria, 3228

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wadawurrung people

Last Updated: 23/04/2023

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History and Architecture:

While early Anglican families gathered for worship at odd times from 1917, regular services began on the first Sunday in August in 1946 and were held in the Torquay Public Hall. The Ladies' Guild was formed on the 14th of August in the same year.

The St Luke's Church building was transported from Fyansford in March 1947, and dedicated by the Archdeacon of Geelong, Bishop Donald Baker on the 15th of May 1947. The Sunday School opened on the 1st of June 1947 with Miss Joyce Smith (later Mrs Joyce Hunt) as Superintendent.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1950 - Rev James Waterman


The present organ was built in 1982 by Australian Pipe Organs as a demonstration organ. Installed in St Mary’s Anglican Church, Sunbury in 1988 with addition of Dulciana 8. Installed in present location in 2007 by Vernon Cresswell. It has 1m, 6spst, pedal pulldowns, tr. Man: Ped: 16.


1. Organ Historical Trust of Australia with permission.
2. Surfcoast Anglican Parish website