Warrandyte, VIC - St Stephen's Anglican

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Stephen

Address: Stiggant Street, Warrandyte, Victoria, 3113

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri people

Last Updated: 13/11/2022

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History and Architecture:

In June 1906 it was decided to build a new church because of the activity owning to a revival in mining. One Hundred and fifty ponds had been collected (including a fifty pound grant from Bishop in Council) It was proposed to have the building erected by September, according to the Church of England Messenger.

On 16 September 1096 the Messenger says : New Church opened and dedicated by Archbishop Lowther Clarke.

The church was a square weatherboard building with a small front porch, set further back on the block than the present building. A bush fire in 1939 destroyed the church and out buildings.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1906 - 1908 Rev Arthur Rufus Raymond 1857 1932
1908 - Rev Edward Halford Hennell 1862 1941
1945 - 1952 Rev F. E. Lewin 1884 1955
1952 - Rev A. W.H. Bishop
1971 - 1975 Rev W. R. Featherston
1975 - Rev G. B. Avery
1980 - 1985 Rev J. A. Berger 1947
1986 - 1991 Rev R. S. Joyce


From the book, A short histry of St Stepens Anglican Church by Jessie Cameron Shannon