Winton, QLD - St Paul's Anglican

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Paul

Address: 72 Cork Street, Winton, Queensland, 4735

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Koa people

Last Updated: 14/07/2022

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History and Architecture:

Winton had its first resident Minister when Bishop Dawes, the first Bishop of Rockhampton, invited several English clergymen to form a Bush Brotherhood. The St. Andrew's Bush Brotherhood had its headquarters in Longreach and supplied Ministers to Winton until a resident vicar was appointed in 1916. Brother Perry arrived in 1898.

In 1899 the first St. Paul's was built at a cost of £236. Later, a Rectory and a Hall were added.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1896 - 1897 Rev Herbert Edwards 1845 1928
1899 - 1900 Rev Alexander Perry Curate 1867 1920
1916 - 1918 Rev Charles John Collis 1886 1969
1917 - 1921 Rev Arthur Augustus Fellows 1882 1975
1921 - 1929 Rev John Stuart Roach 1889 1958
1927 - 1928 Rev Harold John Richards 1900 1976
1929 - 1930 Rev Eric Livingston Bulmer Gribble 1898 1966
1931 - 1932 Rev Henry Sydenham Hannaford Bush Brotherhood 1897 1975
1931 - 1937 Rev Arthur Tuke Robinson 1870 1953
1934 - 1939 Rev James Edward Wheatley Lay Reader then Deacon 1903 1964
1937 - 1940 Rev Vivian Frederick Barnes Redlich 1905 1942
1938 - 1941 Rev Edward Ullock 1908 1962
1941 - 1942 Rev Edgar Allan Wight 1887 1958
1943 - 1946 Rev Charles Emil Herman Torlach 1900 1996
1946 - 1950 Rev Robert Oliver Bodey 1915 1989
1949 - 1950 Rev Charles Emil Herman Torlach 1900 1996
1954 - Rev Seering John Matthews 1900 1978
1954 - 1957 Rev D. F. Brown
1957 - 1959 Rev C. J. Brown
1959 - 1963 Rev A. D. Soares
1963 - 1965 Rev Robert Daniel Wisken
1965 - 1967 Rev J. Beaverstock
1967 - 1969 Rev K. G. Beer
1969 - 1970 Rev W. J. Jobling
1970 - 1971 Rev E. R. Walkerden
1973 - Rev R. A.F. Webb
1973 - 1974 Rev Francis Stanley Neubecker
1974 - Rev J. Miles
1975 - 1977 Rev G. J. Linden
1978 - 1981 Rev R. W. George
1983 - 1985 Rev G. S. Thorne
1985 - 1987 Rev M. P. Birch
1987 - 1988 Rev H. Plumb Locum
1988 - 1991 Rev L. N. Carey
1992 - 1993 Rev C. Phillpott
1993 - Rev B. Woolcott Locum
1993 - Rev C. L.G. Ware Locum
1993 - 1996 Rev G. K. Bransgrove
1997 - Rev B. C. Black Locum
1997 - Rev A. E. Williams Locum
1997 - 1999 Rev P. C. Blundell
1999 - Rev Ron Davies


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Cable Clerical Index.
2. One Hundred Years of Christianity in the Outback At Patrick's and St Paul's 1899 - 1999.