Yarrawonga, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting

Denomination: Uniting

Saint: Andrew

Address: 6 Piper Street, Yarrawonga, Victoria, 3730

Previous Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Yorta Yorta people

Last Updated: 30/11/2021

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History and Architecture:

A Foundation stone reads, " St Andrews Presbyterian Church Founded 1879 This stone was laid by A.A. Manning Esq J.P. 14th July 1928".

A Foundation stone on the Church Hall reads, "To the glory of God in memory of the fallen of two World Wars and Korea. This stone was laid by the Rev. Reford Corr Chaplain 2nd A.I.F. Minister of this Parish and J. R. Rennie Esq. 8th April 1954. `Greater love hath no man than this`. Architect Builder Gordon J. Sutherland Clements Langford F.R.A.I.A ​Pty Ltd.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1954 - Rev Redford Corr


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed