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State: Australian Capital Territory
Wanniassa, ACT - Baptist
Address: 23 Garratt Street, , Wanniassa Australian Capital Territory, 2903
Wanniassa, ACT - St Anthony of Padua Catholic
Address: 108 Sternberg Crescent, , Wanniassa Australian Capital Territory, 2903
‘Fr. Timothy O’Donoghue was appointed as first parish priest. By September 1971 the school was open and the present presbytery was built in 1976. The church, was dedicated on the 6th July 1980.
Weston, ACT - St Peter's Anglican
Address: 1 Watling Place, , Weston Australian Capital Territory, 2611
In 1980 Rev Joe Mullins formed a small committee consisting of Tom Cook, Don Barr, David Marlow and Patrick Doyle to investigate the possibility of constructing a Church Building. They also facilitated the purchase of a block of land for $13,000. With a short term loan it was decided to complete the church by St Peter's Day 1983.
Weston, ACT - Uniting
Address: 16 Parkinson Street, , Weston Australian Capital Territory, 2611
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