Violet Town, VIC - St Andrews Uniting

Year Built: 1893

Denomination: Uniting

Saint: Andrew

Address: 22 Tulip Street, Violet Town, Victoria, 3669

Previous Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Nira Balun people

Last Updated: 13/11/2022

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History and Architecture:

Formerly St Andrews Presbyterian Church the first minister to conduct a Presbyterian service in Violet Town was Rev George Tait. These early services were held in a slab hut in Primrose Street. Services were later conducted, first in a building near the then police station, until the Friendly Society Hall was built. The Rev. J. Gilsennon was the first minister appointed to the Violet Town charge in 1885. The following year the work of the church spread to surrounding districts.*

The first minister to conduct a Presbyterian service in Violet Town was Rev.George Tait. These early services were held in a slab hut in Primrose Street. Services were later conducted, first in a building near the then police station, until the Friendly Society Hall was built. The Rev. J. Gilsennon was the first minister appointed to the Violet Town charge in 1885. The following year the work of the church spread to surrounding districts.

The home of the late Isaac Wallace was used for services at Earlston. These services were commenced in 1887. At a later date a mid-week service was conducted by Rev Charles Attwood in the home of Mr Osbert Henderson, Harry's Creek Road.*

The site of the local church was bought from J. Stivey on March 9, 1888, at a cost of £50. The church was erected in 1893 and the first service was conducted in the new building by the Rev. Black (Euroa). The first marriages in the Violet Town church were held in 1893 and 1896.

The old manse was built in 1900 and Rev.W. Ride was the first occupant.*

The stipend in 1930 was £17 per month.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
- Rev J. Gilsennon
- Rev C. Attwoord
- Rev W. Chamberlin
- Rev Walker
- Rev W. Ride P
- Rev Welsh P
1908 - Rev F. Johnson P
- Rev G. Lee P
1920 - Rev T. C.L Goble P
- Rev V. Hadley P
1933 - Rev J. McNaughton P
- Rev I Thompson P
- Rev E. Sykes P
1938 - 1941 Rev F. Parker P
1941 - 1944 Rev T. Darby P
1944 - 1945 Rev L Bean P
1945 - Rev Louis Morton Humphery M.A. - more details P 1894 1970
1973 - 1979 Mr C. Purton P
1974 - 1978 Rev G. Goode U
1979 - 1984 Rev S. Fishley U
1980 - 1984 Rev B. Buttery U
1985 - Rev J. Wilson U


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


Centenary, The Uniting Church in Violet Town. LTP 287.93099455 UN3U