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Carlton, VIC - St Jude's Anglican
The church was built in two stages, the first between 1866 and 1867 and the second between 1869 and 1870. It was designed by Reed and Barnes. The builder was John Pigdon. The tower at the northeast corner was never erected and in 1935 was s…
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- Architect
Caulfield, VIC - St Mary's Anglican
The first Anglican service held in Caulfield was conducted by the Reverend Samuel Taylor (from St Andrew's Brighton) and Reverend David Seddon (of Christ Church St Kilda) in Park Street. In 1859 steps were taken to build a Church, which …
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- Architect
Toorak, VIC - Uniting
Formerly a Presbyterian Church it was established in 1875 with the Rev. Murdoch MacDonald as Minister. Designed as a simple cruciform, apsidal plan church with tower, by the architects, Reed and Barnes, it was erected in 1875-76. The pr…
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- Architect
Melbourne, VIC - St Michael's Uniting
Known as the Collins Street Independent Church. A Mr Hopkins laid the foundation stone of the first church in September 1839 and the building was opened for worship on 1 January 1841. Later when this small chapel had already been enlarge…
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- Architect