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State: Victoria, Denomination: Roman Catholic
Terang, VIC - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic
Year Built: 1972
Address: Warrnambool Road, , Terang Victoria, 3264
The Foundation stone of the first church was laid on 26 April 1868 by Dr Fitzpatrick assisted by Dean Slattery and Reverend Simon Riordan. The Church was dedicated and opened on 9 May 1869 by Bishop Gould.* By 1900 the church had out grown its time as the population had increased. Father Herbert initiated a meeting to investigate the…
Thomastown, VIC - St Clare's Catholic
Address: 3 Harbard Street, , Thomastown Victoria, 3074
Thornbury East, VIC - Holy Spirit Catholic
Year Built: 1954
Address: 248 Raleigh Street, , Thornbury East Victoria, 3071
The area of the future Holy Spirit Parish must have seemed miles away from St. Mary's. Father M.A. Vaughan, Parish Priest of St Mary's, saw a need to serve this growing area of Thornbury. He purchased nine parcels of land at a cost of approximately £430. Council records reveal that a Building Permit was issued on 28th of March 1950 for…
Thornbury, VIC - St Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1916
Address: Rossmoyne Street, , Thornbury Victoria, 3071
Foundation stone was laid on 20 February 1916 by the Most Reverend T.J. Carr D.D. Archbishop of Melbourne. Stahl Brothers built the church.
Tongala, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic
Year Built: 1909
Address: 34 Mangan Street, , Tongala Victoria, 3621
The Foundation stone was laid in 1909 by S Reville Bishop of Sandhurst. The Architect was A.A. Fritsch and the builder was A.S. Bird. The Church was opening on Sunday 28 November 1909.
Toora, VIC - St Agnes Catholic
Year Built: 1908
Address: 9 Foster Road, , Toora Victoria, 3962
The Church is a simple weatherboard Carpenter Gothic Church. St Agnes Catholic Church at Toora was opened and blessed by Dr Corbett of Sale in 1908. Prior to the construction of the Church, Mass was celebrated in early settler's homes, including the Harkins in Upper Toora. Later, the first Toora Mechanics Institute was used.
Toorak, VIC - St Peter's Catholic
Address: 581 Toorak Road, , Toorak Victoria, 3142
The foundation stone of the present church was laid on 17 December 1933. The architect was O.H. Jorgensen. A Foundation stone reads, " His Grace Archbishop Simonds blessed this stone 27th June 1965".
Torquay, VIC - St Therese Catholic
Year Built: 1969
Address: Geelong Road, , Torquay Victoria, 3228
In 1958 the small congregation of Catholics of Torquay decided to build a church. Till that time priests from St Mary’s in Geelong and later from St Bernard’s in Belmont had celebrated Mass irregularly in the Torquay Improvement Association Hall.
Trentham, VIC - St Mary Magdalen Catholic
Year Built: 1906
Address: 1 Bridge Street, , Trentham Victoria, 3458
A Foundation stone reads, " St Mary Magdalen's This Foundation stone was laid by His Grace The Most Revd T.J. Carr D D Archbishop of Melbourne May 27th 1906".
Tungamah, VIC - Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic
Year Built: 1886
Address: 7 Barr Street, , Tungamah Victoria, 3728
An article in the Yarrawonga Mercury and Mulwala News of 3 June 1886 reads, " The imposing ceremony of dedicating the newly erected church in this township was performed by the Right Rev. Dr. Seville, 0.S.A., on Sunday, 30th nit., in the presence of a vast congregation. His Lordship was assisted by the Very Rev. Prior Butler, and the…
Ultima, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic (Fromer)
Address: 13 McCelland Street, , Ultima Victoria, 3544
Violet Town, VIC - St Attractas Catholic
Year Built: 1898
Address: Corner Primrose & Cowslip Streets, , Violet Town Victoria, 3669
A wooden Church had been constructed in Violet Town around 1874 but it soon proved inadequate. It was replaced in 1898 by a magnificent brick structure, the present St Attracta’s. The Foundation stone was laid by the Very Reverend Dean Davey D.D. on 6 September 1898. The cost involved amounted to £1200.
Wahgunyah, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic
Address: 27 Denninson Street, , Wahgunyah Victoria, 3687
A wooden church was moved from the old mining centre at Chiltern Valley to Wahgunyah and they re-erected it on land in Dennison Street, donated by two non-Catholic brothers, Messrs Arthur and Ted Bayliss, following a deputation to them of Rowland Savage, Wahgunyah, and C B Lethbridge, Corowa solicitor.
Walpeup, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1921
Address: 17 Glen Street, , Walpeup Victoria, 3507
A Foundation stone in Latin reads, " Hic Lapis Positus Est July 17th 1921 Rev D. Issmus Daniel Foley Episcopus".
Walwa, VIC - Christ the King Catholic
Year Built: 1932
Address: 25 Shelly Street, , Walwa Victoria, 3709
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God Church of Christ the King, this stone was blessed and laid by Rev. Dr.Flynn on Dec 4th 1932. Right Rev John McCarthy, Bishop. J. T. Awburn, Pastor. Harold L. Hanlon Architect".
Wangaratta, VIC - St Patricks Catholic
Address: 1 Ford Street, , Wangaratta Victoria, 3677
This is an example of the Gothic Revival style. The original sanctuary and nave are a typical example of Wardell's work and are notable for their simplicity and liturgical correctness. The superb triple lancet stained glass window is a distinctive feature of this section. The west front and tower are elaborately composed and although…
Wantirna South, VIC - St Jude's Catholic
Address: 49 George Street, , Scoresby Victoria, 3179
Wantirna, VIC - St Luke's Catholic
Address: 1 Ipswich Court, , Wantirna Victoria, 3152
Fr O'Brien celebrated the first Mass in the Bayswater-Wantirna area in 1917 at the home of Mr A Piergrosse. From 1910 onwards, the Bayswater community hall was a venue for many activities, and from 1917 onwards, this included the celebration of Sunday Mass. Weekday, or special occasion Masses, were celebrated in private homes. Home Masses…
Warracknabeal, VIC - St Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1967
Address: Corner Lyle & Anderson Street, , Warracknabeal Victoria, 3393
Prior to 1875 Priests from Ararat serviced this part of Victoria as there was no established Catholic Church. Services were held in Scots Wool Shed and the local Court House.* On 21 st November, 1885, an advertisement appeared in the Warracknabeal Newspaper inviting "Tenders for builders for erection of brick Catholic Church".* On 4…
Warragul, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic
Address: Witton Street, , Warragul Victoria, 3820
Around 1907 preparations were in hand for the new parish church. The plans of the architects Reed, Smart and Tappin, which provided for a Romanesque structure, with apse and sanctuary to be added later, were adopted. The foundation stone was laid by the Bishop on 9th June, 1907 and on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception the church was…
Warrandyte, VIC - St Gerard's Catholic
Year Built: 1976
Address: Cementery Road, , Warrandyte Victoria, 3113
The the first Catholic mass in Warrandyte was celebrated in 1898 and in Park Orchards at the Park Orchards Chalet in 1965, it was not until June 28, 1970 that St Gerard’s and St Anne’s was officially declared a parish. Erected in 1976 and blessed by the Most Reverend Thomas Francis Little S.T.D on 29 August. The first Mass was…
Warrnambool, VIC - Our Lady of Help Catholic
Address: 2 Selby Road, , Warrnambool Victoria, 3280
Warrnambool, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic
Year Built: 1872
Address: 169 Kepler Street, , Warrnambool Victoria, 3280
The church was constructed in Decorated Gothic style in blurstone quarried from a local quarry. Construction was commenced in 1869-1872 to the design of William Wardell, although possibly supervised by a local designer and resident, Samuel Parker. The western bays of the nave and the tower and broach spire were completed in 1886-1. The…
Watcham, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic
Address: 75 Camp Street, , Watcham Victoria, 3482
The town survey was carried out in 1877 and two equal sites of two roods and four tenths of a perch with one chain frontages to Camp Street and a sidage to Skewes Street were granted on payment of £5.0.6. It was n these two sites that the first church was built. The first church was blessed and opened by Bishop Moore of Ballarat. In…
Welshpool, VIC - St Vincent de Paul Catholic (Former)
In 1937 the Church of St. Vincent de Paul was built and opened by Bishop Ryan. Mr. Paddy Buckley had donated the land, and a Queen Carnival was held to raise funds. At this time Welshpool was still under the auspices of Yarram Parish. The three communities of Foster, Toora and Welshpool combined in 1940 to create the new Parish of St.…
Werribee, VIC - St Andrew's Catholic
Year Built: 1938
Address: 100 Greaves Street N, , Werribee Victoria, 3030
In 1861, land was set aside for a Catholic church in Werribee, in an area bounded by Mortimer, Greaves and Stawell Streets and Ballan Road. The Bishop of Melbourne, the Rt. Rev. J.A.Goold, blessed and opened the first church in 1871. Because there were many Scottish settlers in the area, the name of St. Andrew – patron saint of Scotland –…
Werrimull, VIC - Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
Year Built: 1933
Address: Werrimull Sth Road, , Werrimull Victoria, 3496
In 1932, Werrimull became a parish and Our Lady of Lourdes Church was built in 1933. In 1965, Werrimull became part of the Merbein Parish and in more recent times a part of the Mildura Parish. Architecturally, despite its simplified treatment and squat tower it is a sustained attempt to evoke Lombardic Romanesque architecture, notably in…
West Geelong, VIC - St Peter and St Paul Catholic
Year Built: 1864
Address: Mercer Street, , Geelong West Victoria, 3218
On the 25's October 1849, Acting Vicar-General, Rev. N.J. Coffey applied for 2 acres of land near the village of Ashby. The-Governors finally approved the grant on 25 October 1850. By 1855, a brick school had been built on the site now occupied by the Presbytery. The school was used as a venue to celebrate mass on Sundays and holidays of…
West Ivanhoe, VIC - St Bernadette's Korean Catholic
Year Built: 1961
Address: 89 Bond Street, , Ivanhoe Victoria, 3079
A Foundation stone reads, "Church of St Bernadette Ivanhoe West This stone was blessed and set by His Lordship Most Reverend A.F. Fox D.D. this day of December 1961. Robert C. Ellis Architect, John A. Carroll Parish Priest L.U. Simon Builder".
West Melbourne, VIC - St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic
Year Built: 1900
Address: 33 Howard Street, , North Melbourne Victoria, 3051
The foundation stone for the first church was laid on 14 of May 1854. The church was a modest graceful stone building, which was completed in six months at a cost of 4,400. It was intended to be a place of worship on Sundays and a Catholic school during the week. The current Church considered to be the largest parish church in…
Wheelers Hill, VIC - Good Shepherd Catholic
Address: 30 Academy Avenue, , Wheelers Hill Victoria, 3150
Wheelers Hill, VIC - St Justin's Catholic
Year Built: 1995
Address: 48 Whalley Drive, , Wheelers Hill Victoria, 3150
A plaque on the wall reads, " Blessed and Opened by Archbishop Frank Little 25th October 1995 A place for word and Sacrament Parish of St Justin Wheelers Hill".
White Hills, VIC - Holy Rosary Catholic
Address: 2 Heinz Street, , White Hills Victoria, 3550
Willaura, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic (Former)
Address: 24 Ayrey Street, , Willaura Victoria, 3379