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Saint: Margaret
Balaclava North, VIC - St Margaret's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1953
Address: Corner Hotham & Denman Streets, , Balaclava North Victoria, 3183
In 1912, in order to ascertain to what extent the people of the district were desirous of having a Church in their midst, a house to house canvass was made by Rev. C. Stuart Ross, with the result that he was able to make a most encouraging and satisfactory report.* At this stage, Mr. John Maclellan, a member of the Board of Management…
Cobram, VIC - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1906
Address: Pine Street, , Cobram Victoria, 3644
A Foundation stone reads, " Memorial stone laid by the Bishop of Wangaratta August 24th 1906 Architect and Builder H.H. Farrall". There are another two stones mounted on the front brick pillars. One reads "Erected by the citizens of Cobram 1953". The other reads, " To the Glory of God in Memory of L.G. Hamilton".
Croydon Park, SA - St Margaret Mary Catholic
Address: 286 Torrens Raod, , Croydon Park South Australia, 5008
Croydon Park, SA - St Margaret Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: 286 Torrens Road, , Croydon Park South Australia, 5008
The Foundation stone was laid on 16 May 1959 by Mrs J.H. Stunell.
Eltham, VIC - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1861
Address: Pitt Street, , Eltham Victoria, 3095
The land on which St Margaret's Church and Vicarage stands was donated by Henry Dendy, a well known Melbourne pioneer and wealthy land owner. Dendy later moved to England returning and residing in Eltham again. He chaired a meeting held in 1860 for the purpose of devising a means of establishing a Church of England in the township. The…
Geelong East, VIC - St Margaret's Catholic
Year Built: 1964
Address: 46 Lomond Terrace, , Geelong East Victoria, 3219
A Foundation stone reads, A.M.D.G. St Margaret's Church Solemnly blessed His Grace The Most Reverend Justin D. Simonds DD PHD Archbishop of Melbourne 28th November 1963 Rev Father R. Rafter".
McLaren Vale, SA - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1905
Address: Main Road, , McLaren Vale South Australia, 5171
The land was donated by Thomas Hardy in 1905 formerly vineyards owned by William Hobcroft. The Foundation stone was laid on 19 June 1911by Thomas Hardy and the Church was dedicated on 21 November 1911. The Nave built of clay and limestone was added in 1968 to the memory of A.C. and E.H. Johnston.
Mildura, VIC - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1901
Address: Cnr Deakin Avenue & Eleventh Streets, , Mildura Victoria, 3500
A Foundation stone reads, A.M.D.G. In memory of those in the district who made the supreme sacrifice in the Second World War 1939 - 1945 this stone was laid by Allen Second Bishop of St Arnaud on 19th May 1957, Archdeacon J. Hardingham Rector". A wall plaque reads, " These doors were erected by parishioners and friends in loving memory…
Mooroolbark, VIC - St Margarets Uniting
Address: 219 Hull Road, , Mooroolbark Victoria, 3138
The Church was originally a Presbyterian church and was opened on September 4 1954. Mr Keith Reid was the Architect. The land was donated by Miss Jane McIlrath.
Nebo, QLD - St Margaret's Anglican
Address: Corner Oxford & Kemmis Streets, , Nebo Queensland, 4742
Nerang, QLD - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1996
Address: 167 Beaudestert Nerang Road, , Nerang Queensland, 4211
The original Church building was moved to the Evandale grounds of Gold Coast City Council and used as a wedding chapel. The current Church was erected at its current site in 1996. A plaque reads, " This Building was dedicated to the Glory of God on 31st August 1996".
Port Broughton, SA - St Margaret's Catholic
Address: 22 MacKay Street, , Port Broughton South Australia, 5522
Constructed in the vernacular Romanesque style typical of Yorke Peninsula, the walls are of random Limestone with rendered quoins. Window ad door openings-are simple proportioned with arched heds. The low pitched gable roof is clad with corrugated iron. A single transept constructed in similar style is also evident. It was mainly due…
Sandgate, QLD - St Margaret's Anglican
Address: 58 Rainbow Street, , Sandgate Queensland, 4017
Early maps around 1875 show that land was But, in the name of the 'Church of England' Bounded to the north by Signal Row and on either side by Yundah Street and Friday St. A large portion of the land to the west of Friday St. was shown as low lying and swampy. It is recorded that the first Anglican Service in Sandgate was in a slab…
Tumby Bay, SA - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1908
Address: 21 Lipson Road, , Tumby Bay South Australia, 5605
This is the second Anglican church to be built in the Tumby Bay District Council. The Mortlocks at "Yalluna" station felt a church was needed in Tumby Bay and donated land for the purpose. Mrs. W.I. Mortlock laid the foundation stone and the family are best remembered for the stained glass windows and Manchurian oak furniture. The…
Wirrabarra, SA - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1909
Address: 39 High Street, , Wirrabarra South Australia, 5481
Services were held in the first Institute until St Margaret’s Church opened in 1909. A Foundation stone reads, " St Margaret's Church this stone was laid by Fannie Wood Nov 29th 1908". A wall plaque reads, " To the Glory of God this building was consecrated by The Lord Bishop of Willochra Rt Rev T.E. Jones MBE ThD 8th November 1964".
Woodville, SA - St Margaret of Scotland Anglican
Address: 739 Port Road, , Woodville South Australia, 5011
The church was erected in 1855, the chancel being erected in 1915. The walling is of specially selected limestone finished up in block form. The walling is reminiscent of a bond and texture seen in The Cotswolds of England. This impression is made more noticeable by the early English type battlemented tower. A wall plaque reads, “The…