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State: South Australia
Cleve, SA - St Paul's Lutheran (Former)
Year Built: 1927
Address: 2455 Birdseye Highway, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
Also known as St Paul's Lutheran Church Crossville .The Church was dedicated in 1927 and closed in 1960. The members used the Hall from 1960 and then the new St Paul's Church in Fourth Street Cleve for worship from 1967. Now is privately owned.
Cleve, SA - St Vincent de Paul Catholic
Address: 4 Fifth Street, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.
Cleve, SA - Uniting
Address: 15 - 17 Third Street, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
The first Church was built in 1885 under the Wesleyan Church. A painted random rubble stonework church with gable ended corrugated galvanised iron roof. Ecclesiastical windows. Random rubble stone porch. This was the first building to be erected in Cleve. The stone porch was added in 1945 by contractor J. A. Haynes. The church has…
Cockatoo Valley, SA - Sandy Creek Uniting
Address: 162 Willamstown Road, , Cockatoo Valley South Australia, 5351
Coffin Bay, SA - Community
Address: 1 Tapley Street, , Coffin Bay South Australia, 5607
At the time of the visit this church accommadated the Uniting, Lutheran and Catholic congregations.
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - All Saints' Anglican
Address: Bedford Square, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1964
Address: 539 Goodwood Road, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
The Church of Christ was built in 1965-1966 on the site of an earlier 1920s Colonel Light Gardens Church of Christ chapel. A galvanised iron Independent Order of Rechabites Hall (c.1925) and tennis courts also previously stood on the site. The Church features Brownbuilt steel decking to flat roofs, red face-brick walls with square…
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - St Therese's Catholic
Year Built: 1962
Address: 3 Oxford Circus, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Honour and Glory of God This stone was blessed by the Most Reverend M Beovich D.D. PhD Archbishop of Adelaide Sunday 26th August 1962. Thomas Maloney P.P. A wall plaque reads, " War Memorial Church of St Therese of the Child Christ in remembrance of those who gave their lives for Australia World War I &…
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: 560 Goodwood Road, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
The land was bought for $1,211.00 (£25.00) and other than the names of the trustees, little is known of the first seventy five years. The old Church was built in 1854, and is one of the oldest suburban Churches in the State. When the section of ground opposite was purchased by the Government and sub divided into residential blocks and…
Colton, SA - St Lukes Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1905
Address: 18274 Flinders Highway, , Colton South Australia, 5670
Random coursed stonework church with dressed stonework quoins. Gable ended roof clad 'with corrugated galvanised iron. Random coursed stonework porch at rear. Ecclesiastical windows. Triple on end gable. The foundation stone for this church \\/as laid by Mrs. J.D. Lewis, 3oth April, 1905, whose husband gave the land on 'which the church…
Condowie, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1876
The Church was established in 1876. A hall beside the church was erected in 1952 and opened and dedicated on February 8 1953 by Pastor L.H. Leskie.
Coobowie, SA - Methodist (Former)
Address: 5 Coutts Street, , Coobowie South Australia, 5583
The Church was established in 1876.
Coomandook, SA - Uniting
Address: 3223 Dukes Highway, , Coomandook South Australia, 5261
A wall plaque reads, " This Church commemorates the Uniting of the Kiki Coomandook congregations opened by The Rev J.M. Gallagher 3rd May 1970. We will bless the Lord at all times Psalm 34 V 1". A wall plaque on the Church Hall reads, " Pioneer Memorial Hall Ths Hall is dedicated to the memory of those men and women whose vision and…
Coomunga, SA - Big Swamp Methodist (Former)
Year Built: 1906
Address: 7 Pobke Road, , Coomunga South Australia, 5607
This Church is now a Community Centre. A foundation stone reads, "This stone was laid by Mrs J Venning 13th Nov 1906".
Coonalpyn, SA - Redeemer Lutheran
Year Built: 1952
Address: Dent Street, , Coonalpyn South Australia, 5265
The first Lutheran's to arrive in this district were in 1929. The first services were held in the old Institute on the west side of the railway line. Moves were made in 1946 and by May 1952 construction had begun. The Builders of the church were Mr Kevin Rohrlach and Mr Peter White. Built of limestone which came from Mr Zanker's and Mr…
Coonalpyn, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1921
Address: Western Highway, , Coonalpyn South Australia, 5265
Formerly a Congregational church the foundation stone was laid on 21 February 1921 by the Mr G.E. Venning.
Coromandel East, SA - Baptist
Address: 272 Ackland Hill Road, , Coromandel East South Australia, 5157
Coromandel Valley, SA - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1872 - 1873
Address: 337 Main Road, , Coromandel Valley South Australia, 5051
A simple, good quality Gothic Revival Church constructed from bluestone with cut stone quoins and surrounds that has had a series of extensions. The Church was built in 1872-73 on land donated by the South Australian Company. Prior to the construction of this church, George Gooch's house 'Craig burn' had been used for services. St…
Coromandel Valley, SA - Uniting
Address: 415 Main Road, , Coromandel Valley South Australia, 5051
A Foundation stone on the old church reads, " This stone was laid by Wm Gilbert Esqr M.P. 15 Dec 1894".
Cowell, SA - Lutheran
Year Built: 1967
Address: 22 Story Street, , Cowell South Australia, 5602
St John's congregation fell under the ELSA belief. The Christ congregation fell under the UELCA belief and the St Paul's congregation fell under the LCA combined congregations.
Cowell, SA - Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
Address: 23 Second Street, , Cowell South Australia, 5602
Cowell, SA - St Hugh's Anglican
Year Built: 1908 - 1910
Address: 10 Fifth Street, , Cowell South Australia, 5602
The Franklin Harbour Mission opened on 27 January 1895 under the auspices of the Bishop’s Home Mission Society with Mr A Styan Dendy appointed Catechist. Services were held in various places from Arno Bay west to Cleve and Mangalo, including Yabmana where a mission hall cum school was built in 1909. The first service in the new church was…
Cowell, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1908
Address: 6 Second Street, , Cowell South Australia, 5602
An article in the Chronicle (Adelaide), SA Sat 6 Feb 1909 reads, "On January 12 a large congregation of enthusiastic workers attended, when the Rev. I. Rooney, President of the Methodist Conference, declared the church open. The church is a handsome building, capable of seating about 150 people. It is a credit to the contractor, Mr. B.…
Cradock, SA - St Gabriel's Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1883
The church building was opened in 1883 and formally dedicated by Bishop Reynolds on 12/7/1885. The church building was revovated and enlarged in 1913-4. It was a Catholic church from 1883 to 1970. It is now in private hands.
Cradock, SA - Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1924
Address: 68 R.M. Williams Way, , Cradock South Australia, 5432
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by John H.P. Moyses Esq on December 6th 1924". It was initially a Wesleyan Methodist Church until 1925 then as a Methodist church until 1977 then as a Uniting Church until 1984. Today it is in private hands.
Crafers, SA - Church of the Epiphany Anglican
Year Built: 1878
Address: Epiphany Place, , Crafers South Australia, 5152
The Church was built in 1878 on land donated by Henry Scott. It has a splendid music tradition, a lively choir and one of the finest pipe-organs in South Australia. Services were held for many years previously in various locations but a building commenced only in 1878, extensions were made 1893 - 99 to the designs of E.J. Woods and built…
Croydon Park, SA - St Margaret Mary Catholic
Address: 286 Torrens Raod, , Croydon Park South Australia, 5008
Croydon Park, SA - St Margaret Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: 286 Torrens Road, , Croydon Park South Australia, 5008
The Foundation stone was laid on 16 May 1959 by Mrs J.H. Stunell.
Croydon Park, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1959
Address: 310 Torrens Road, , Croydon Park South Australia, 5008
Formerly known as Gelland Methodist Church. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid on 16 May 1959 by Mrs J.H. Stunell 16th May 1959".
Croydon, SA - Barney's Anglican
Year Built: 1929
Address: Cnr William & Elizabeth Streets, , Croydon South Australia, 5008
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Greater Glory of God This stone was laid by Arthur Nutter Bishop of Adelaide 11th May 1929".
Croydon, SA - The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1970
Address: 1A William Street, , Croydon South Australia, 5008
Initially a Methodist church in Brompton, it was purchased and converted into an Orthodox church to serve the needs of the very large number of Greek migrants in the surrounding areas.
Crystal Brook, SA - Holy Trinity Catholic
Year Built: 1922
Address: Eyre Road Extension, , Crystal Brook South Australia, 5523
The original church building, located on the corner of Higgins Road and Eyre Extension Road, consists of a nave and vestry, each with a gable roof, and a skillioned sanctuary with side parapets. Construction is of rusticated stone. The current church is a large stone building with contrasting render to quoins and mouldings. It consists…
Crystal Brook, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1963
Address: Stanley Street, , Crystal Brook South Australia, 5523
The first know existence of Lutheran's in this area forming a church was recorded in February 1881 when several families met for a service in the home of A.F. Noll. For the next 17 years all services were held there. By 1897 the room in the Noll home could not hold all the congregation so it was decided a church was needed. The foundation…
Crystal Brook, SA - St Silas Anglican
Year Built: 1885
Address: 58 Brandis Street, , Crystal Brook South Australia, 5523
The Church of England was active from the settlement of the town in the 1870s, however the building was not constructed until 1885. The building was designed by William K Mallyon, an amateur architect who designed a large number of churches in the region. A gable-roof building with gable and parapeted vestry to the street facade.…
Crystal Brook, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1912
Address: Adelaide Square, , Crystal Brook South Australia, 5523
The present Uniting Church was previously known as the Crystal Brook Methodist Church prior to the 1970s. The first Methodist service is believed to have been held in 1874 by Mr John Ward in the home of the Tucker brothers. Services continued to be held in private residences until a temporary building was erected in 1876. In 1877 the…
Cudlee Creek, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1882
Address: 31 Gould Place, , Cudlee Creek South Australia, 5232
The original trustees of the church were John Pool, Warwick Langley, James Wills Sambell, Alfred Hoad and George Hannaford. In 1881, part of section 6019 adjacent to the cemetery was purchased from the South Australian Company for the purpose of building a new, larger church. By December 1881 builders Kreigier and Schlein had been…
Cummins, SA - New Beginnings Uniting
Address: 72 Bruce Terrace, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by Mr C.H. Potter 8th May 1912". A Foundation stone on the newer building reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by Newton F. Trigg 30th Sept 1958".
Cummins, SA - St Andrew's Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 76 Railway Terrace, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, "A.M.D.G. This stone was solemnly blessed and laid by Most Rev Bryan Gallagher Bishop of Port Pirie on July 14th 1963". A Foundation stone on the old church reads, " A.M.D.G. Eccelsia Sancti Andreae Fundata 1935 In Fidi Et Caritate".
Cummins, SA - St Paul's Lutheran
Year Built: 1960
Address: Todd Highway, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, " Laid to the Glory of God 30th October 1960, For other Foundation can no man Lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor 3 :11".
Cummins, SA - St Simon & St Jude's Anglican
Year Built: 1968
Address: 37 - 39 Light Road, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God on Sunday 18th February 1968 Rt Reverend T.E. Jones Bishop of Willochra The Reverend J.B. Kinsman Rector"