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State: Western Australia
Aldersyde, WA - Pioneer Memorial
Address: 38 Railway Terrace, , Aldersyde Western Australia, 6306
The church was erected as a jubilee memorial to the pioneers of Gunbar who built the original church in 1884. The official opening and dedication of the church on the 4th July 1934 was postponed by bad weather and took place on the 18th July 1934. Now closed.
Applecross, WA - Chinese Presbyterian
Address: 33 Willcock Street, , Applecross Western Australia, 6153
Applecross, WA - Church of Christ
Address: 33 Willcock Street, , Applecross Western Australia, 6153
Applecross, WA - St David's Anglican
Year Built: 1957
Address: 54 Simpson Street, , Applecross Western Australia, 6153
The Foundation Stone was laid on 12 May 1957 by his Grace the Archbishop of Perth The Most Reverend R.W.H. Moline MC DD.
Applecross, WA - St Stephen's Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 2 McKenzie Road, , Applecross Western Australia, 6153
The Foundation stone was laid on 11 December 1955 by the Reverend F.C. Norman Inwood. The site of the present church was first developed in the early 1950s and the original building is now the church hall.
Ardross, WA - St Benedict's Catholic
Address: 115 Ardross Street, , Ardross Western Australia, 6153
Arthur River, WA - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1884
Address: 16882 Albany Highway, , Arthur River Western Australia, 6315
The Taylor family donated the land for the church and £50 towards its construction. Construction commenced in 1882 and was completed n 1884. Construction was by FE Smith and AG Horley. Made of stone with wooden floorboards and a shingle roof. The floorboards came from the sawpits near Dardaline.
Beagle Bay, WA - Sacred Heart Catholic
Year Built: 1917
Address: Bishop Place, , Beagle Bay Western Australia, 6725
The community was established by Trappist Monks around 1890. In 1884, the first ever priest arrived to serve the Catholics in the Kimberley to try and convert the Aboriginal people. Bishop Matthew Gibney founded the Beagle Bay mission, developed in the land of the Nyul Nyul people. The Pallottine fathers and brothers took charge of the…
Belmont, WA - St Anne's Catholic
Year Built: 1914
Address: 11 Hehir Street, , Belmont Western Australia, 6104
The Church was built in 1914 by local builder Mr W Blacklock. Mr P Love and Mr Charles Courtland went guarantors for the church building. It was officially opened and consecrated on 6 December 1914 by His Grace Archbishop Clune. Features of the church are the lovely lead light windows. Before this church was built, Mass was celebrated…
Borden, WA - St David's Anglican
Year Built: 1959
Address: Chester Pass Road, , Borden Western Australia, 6338
The Foundation stone was laid in the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese by Mrs Mavis Milne on 15 May 1959. Rector OA Wall??
Bremer Bay, WA - Holy Cross Catholic & Anglican
Address: 11 Mary Street, , Bremer Bay Western Australia, 6338
In 1849 the Western Australian Surveyor General, John Septimus Roe, named the tiny port after Sir James John Gordon Bremer, the captain of the HMS Tamar. Roe had served under Bremer from 1824-1827.
Broome, WA - Anglican
Address: Corner Hass & Hamersley Street, , Broome Western Australia, 6725
Broome, WA - Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 34 Weld Street, , Broome Western Australia, 6725
The Church was blessed and dedicated on 8 September 1963 by the Most Reverend John Jobst Vicar of the Kimberley.
Broome, WA - Uniting
Address: Corner Anne & Robertson Streets, , Broome Western Australia, 6725
Broomehill, WA - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic
Address: Ivy Street, , Broomehill Western Australia, 6318
Broomehill, WA - Presbyterian (Former)
Address: Journal Street, , Broomehill Western Australia, 6318
Broomehill, WA - St Elizabeth of Hungary Anglican
Address: 16 - 2 Janitor Street, , Broomehill Western Australia, 6318
The Foundation stone was laid 18 April 1953. The Church was the former Police Station and Courthouse, a single-storey brick and iron building. It is one of the oldest buildings in Broomehill and contributes to the community’s sense of place. The altar is constructed of bricks from the old 1884 Eticup Church. The Church took it name…
Busselton, WA - St Joseph's Catholic
Address: 70 Kent Street, , Busselton Western Australia, 6280
Busselton is one of the oldest parishes in Western Australia. Priests from Perth, especially members of the Benedictine Order, visited Vasse (as Busselton was called) from the 1830's onwards.
Busselton, WA - St Mary's Anglican
Year Built: 1842
Address: 48 Peel Terrace, , Busselton Western Australia, 6280
The Church is a Victorian Romanesque style building in the Norman manner, constructed in limestone with a shingled roof. It has an auditory plan, and sanctuary, entrance porch and vestry and belltower. The walls are constructed of local limestone and the nave is three bays long, and the bays are articulated with pilasters and round head…
Carlisle, WA - Holy Name Catholic
Year Built: 1975
Address: 54 Solar Way, , Carlisle Western Australia, 6101
The first Catholics came to the Carlisle area in 1896 and in 1899. Victoria Park was established as a parish with Carlisle being one of its outlying Mass stations. Carlisle continued as a Mass station until a Church school was built in 1937. At this time Carlisle became part of the new Belmont Parish. A new presbytery was built in 1974…
Carnarvon, WA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1907
Address: 10 Francis Street, , Carnarvon Western Australia, 6701
The Church was constructed of local red brick at a cost of £1400 donated by local pastoralists. The church was designed by architect J. H. Eales directly behind the original church built in 1894. The bricks used in the construction were locally made from pindan clay by the contractor, Sidney Stansmore. The foundation stone at St George’s…
Cloverdale, WA - Notre Dame Catholic
Year Built: 1970
Address: 345 Wright Street, , Cloverdale Western Australia, 6105
Built in 1971 to design of George Mazak, the church displays design elements of the Late Twentieth Century Late Modern architectural style. The plan of the church is said to be based on a cross. The main body of the church is square with lower level projecting wings to each elevation. The main roof comprises four gables which meet at the…
Como, WA - St Augustine's Anglican
Year Built: 1935
Address: Park Street, , Como Western Australia, 6152
The Foundation stone was laid on 3 March 1935.
Derby, WA - Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic
Address: Loch Street, , Derby Western Australia, 6728
Esperance, WA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: 15 Backland Street, , Esperance Western Australia, 6450
The Church was opened in 1958. The Lutheran presence was first established in the Esperance region when South Australian farmers Walter and Grace Schultz took up land on Bows Road in Gibson in 1958.
Floreat Park, WA - St Nicholas' Anglican
Address: 47 Berkley Crescent, , Floreat Park Western Australia,
Floreat, WA - All Saints' Uniting
Address: 50 Berkeley Crescent, , Floreat Western Australia, 6014
Floreat, WA - St Cecilia's Catholic
Address: 47 Peebles Street, , Floreat Western Australia, 6014
Freemantle, WA - Church of Christ
Address: 219 High Street, , Freemantle Western Australia, 2795
Freemantle, WA - Scot's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1890
Address: Corner Norfolk & South Tce, , Freemantle Western Australia, 2795
The church is constructed from ashlar limestone with red-brick quoins on the buttresses and window edges. The steeply pitched roof is constructed from timber originally with jarrah shingles but most recently with terra cotta tiles. When originally built the church consisted of a nave and an aisle on the north western side; the vestry is…
Freemantle, WA - St John the Evangelist Anglican
Year Built: 1879
Address: Adelaide Street, , Freemantle Western Australia, 2795
The church was built in 1879-82 to the design of London architect William Smith.
Freemantle, WA - St Patrick's Catholic
Year Built: 1898
Address: 47 Adelaide Street, , Freemantle Western Australia, 2795
The building was designed by Michael Francis Cavanagh, the foundation stone was laid on St Patrick’s Day, 17 March 1898 and the nave opened on 3 June 1900.
Gnowengerup, WA - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1930
Address: 7 Youngenup Road , , Gnowengerup Western Australia, 6335
Church services were held in the Agricultural Hall prior to a church being built. This church was built of local stone (possibly granite) in 1930. It has a tile roof and small arched steel casement windows. Funds raised by the congregation paid for the church to be built.
Hopetoun, WA - Church of Peter the Fisherman Catholic
Address: The Esplanade, , Hopetoun Western Australia , 6348
Kalamunda, WA - Holy Family Catholic
Address: 2 Burt Street, , Kalumunda Western Australia, 6076
In October 1942, three vacant blocks of land were bought for £188 as a site for the future church. In 1954 the church was built. Red brick and tile church with feature rendered buttresses dividing the side elevations into bays. Timber framed arched windows. Front elevation contains two small arched windows with entrance porch below.
Kalamunda, WA - St Barnabas Anglican
Year Built: 1963
Address: 40 Railway Road, , Kalumunda Western Australia, 6076
The church was built in 1963. The Anglican church had a strong presence in Kalamunda since 1899 when the original St Barnabas Church was dedicated. This church was relocated in 1911 and then demolished in 1928. From 1928 until 1963 another church was located on this site. The building is plain in design with the elevation mass…
Katanning, WA - Anglican
Address: 21 Aberdeen Street, , Katanning Western Australia, 6317
The Hon. F H Piesse laid the foundation stone for the church hall on 27th March 1911, on a site adjacent to the existing St Andrew's Church. The architect was E Summerhayes. The hall was used weekly for parish meetings, dances, fundraisers and various other activities. The hall is primarily significant in terms of its relationship to…