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Berry, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1932
Address: 71 Albert Street, , Berry New South Wales, 2535
Mr. J. M. Mills was appointed architect and plans were prepared, and after some modifications suggested by the Trustees, the plans were accepted and tenders called. The lowest tender, that of Messrs. Whitwell Bros, of Hurstville, was accepted. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was set by Rev W. Green 30.6.32 - G. Gillam Secretary…
Berrybank, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: Foxhow Road, , Berrybank Victoria, 3323
The former church was destroyed by fire on 14 January 1944. The Foundation stone of the current church was laid on 21 April 1954 by William M Clark. The Architect was Keith Reid while the builder was A McHolson.
Berserker, QLD - Calvary Lutheran
Year Built: 1961
Address: 59 Burnett Street, , Berserker Queensland, 4701
The Lutherans purchased the church in 2016 for for $522,000.
Berserker, QLD - Methodist (Former)
Year Built: 1880
Address: Musgrave Street, , Berserker Queensland, 4701
From 1880 to 1887 the North Rockhampton Methodist Circuit remained under the control of the Fitzroy Street Primitive Methodist Church. In 1887 North Rockhampton was declared a separate Circuit, and the Rev.I.Castlehow was appointed as its first Minister. He later became President of the Queensland Methodist Conference in 1908. The first…
Berserker, QLD - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1912
Address: 278 Ford Street, , Berserker Queensland, 4701
The Church is a small Gothic style timber building and is heritage-listed. It was built in 1912. It was added to the Queensland Heritage Register on 5 August 2003. The site of St John's Mission Church was purchased in 1891 by Edward Costello.
Berserker, QLD - Uniting (Former)
Address: 41 Musgrave Street, , Berserker Queensland, 4701
Berwick, VIC - Christ Church Anglican
Year Built: 1995
Address: 55 Peel Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first Anglican services held in Berwick took place in 1866 on the site of the present Presbyterian Church. A Foundation stone was laid on 5 December 1876. In 1877 a dedicated building was built on the corner of Church and Palmerston Streets. In response to high population growth in the area, in 1995 a much larger church building…
Berwick, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1885
Address: 105 High Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first service was held in 1856 in Narre Warren at the residence of Mr Catenach on a fortnightly basis for about a year and then moved to a hut in Berwick owned by a Mr Gardiner. The Church is the oldest church in Berwick, and the congregation was founded amongst Scottish and English settlers in 1857 by Rev Alexander Duff, an Irish…
Berwick, VIC - St Michael's Catholic
Year Built: 1984
Address: 125 High Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first church, built of weatherboard, was erected in 1870. It was originally part of the Brighton Parish. St. Michael's Parish was established in 1956, having previously been part of the parish of Dandenong. In 1956 it became part of the Diocese of Sale. The current Church was opened on 29 April 1984 and was blessed by the Bishop of…
Bet Bet, VIC - Uniting (Former)
The Church building no longer exists. History and photos encouraged.
Bethanga, VIC - St Francis Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1886
Address: Bridge Street, , Bethanga Victoria, 3691
The first church was built in 1886. In 1917 Revd Dr Flynn decided the location of the church was not appropriate.The aged, the infirm and ill could not access the Church because of the steepness and parishioners who had to walk to Mass found it almost impossible to attend area became wet and muddy. On the 17th October 1917 the…
Bethania, QLD - Lutheran
Year Built: 1872
Address: 73 Church Road, , Bethania Queensland, 4205
The church was built in 1872 from locally sourced handmade bricks, timber and shingles. It replaced an earlier slab church built in 1864. The building consists of a rectangular double height nave with square projections at both ends. The gable roofs over the two projecting rooms are lower than the nave roof. At the eastern end is a 1972…
Bethany, SA - Bethany Lutheran
Year Built: 1883
Address: Bethany Road, , Bethany South Australia, 5352
The Church was built in 1883. The design is of simple rectangular plan with gable roof, smaller gabled annex to rear, square tower at front with tall pointed spire, rendered features on facades create a strong outline for the building. Construction - coursed rubble walls, rendered corner strips and windows indicate a reasonably…
Bethunga, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican
Year Built: 1904
Address: 2 Armstrong Street, , Bethunga Victoria, 3691
Bethunga, VIC - St Francis Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1918
Address: 6 Bridge Street, , Bethunga Victoria, 3691
The Church was up for sale in 2023.
Beulah, VIC - St Augustine's Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 8 Dingwell Street, , Beulah Victoria, 3395
A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This Church was solemnly blessed and opened by Monsignor L. Conway V.G. on Sunday 6th October 1963. Rev M. Philbin P.P. JW Henry & Assoc Architects P&A Coutts Builder".
Beulah, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1910
Address: 20 Taverner Street, , Beulah Victoria, 3395
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by C. Marshman Esq Senior Trustee on May 25th 1910". A wall plaque reads, " The Centenary of this building was celebrated on March 7th 2010 Time Capsule to be opened in 2030".
Bexley, NSW - Congregational
Year Built: 1927
Address: 625 Forest Road, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
The Church was designed by Harry Foskett and built in 1927 in the Inter War architectural style.
Bexley, NSW - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1887
Address: 269 Forest Road, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
The land on which this Church is built was first granted to James Chandler on the 19th October 1831 by Governor Brisbane (1300 acres). The Foundation stone was laid on 24 May 1887 by the ten Minster for Education the Hon James Inglis. The Church was opened for worship by Rev Robert Steel in October 1887. For over 50 years it was known…
Bexley, NSW - St Gabriel's Catholic
Address: 55 Stoney Creek Road, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
Bexley, NSW - St George North Anglican
Address: Corner Dunmore & Albyn Streets, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
Bexley, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1925
Address: 25 Gladstone Street, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
There are two foundation stones laid at the Church. One was by Reverend H Wheen on 3 October 1925 and the second by T. A Johnston Esq also on 3 October 1925.
Biggenden, QLD - St John's Anglican
Address: 45 Edward Street, , Biggenden Queensland, 4621
Biggenden, QLD - St Peter's Catholic
Address: Victoria Street, , Biggenden Queensland, 4621
Biggera Waters, QLD - St James' Anglican
Year Built: 1988
Address: 45 Brighton Street, , Biggers Waters Queensland, 4126
A Foundation stone reads, " The Church of St James in the Parochial District of Biggera Waters inaugurated and dedicated by The Right Reverend Ralph E. Wicks O.B.E. Assistant Bishop of Brisbane on 11th May 1988 The Reverend Denis C. Landman M.B.E. Parish Priest Peter Woolley Bert Morris Church Wardens".
Biloela, QLD - Baptist
Year Built: 1987
Address: 1A Valley View Drive, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
The first Baptist church in Biloela was erected at 48 Bell Street during 1954 and 1955. It was 50 by 25 feet, with a flat 30 foot by 25 feet attached. On 5 February 1984 the deacons submitted a plan to the church for the purchase of a new property of two hectares at the corner of Valley View Drive and the Dawson Highway. This was…
Biloela, QLD - Church of the Nazarene
Year Built: 1966
Address: 124 Rainbow Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
A wall plaque reads, " For the testimony of Jesus Christ this Church was opened December 3rd 1966 by Rev A.A.E. Berg Superintendent".
Biloela, QLD - Lutheran
Year Built: 1964
Address: 113 Grevillea Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God 11th October 1964 - Ephesians 2 : 20".
Biloela, QLD - Presbyterian
Year Built: 1960
Address: 77 Kariboe Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland the Right Rev T.C. Watson BA 23rd April 1960. Minister Rev R.A. Paterson DIP DIV Session Clerk Mr A.C. Shepherdson".
Biloela, QLD - St Gabriel's Anglican
Address: 76 Kariboe Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
A plaque reads, To the Glory of Almighty God - This Ministry Centre of St Gabriel the Archangel was consecrated on Saturday July 5 1986 by The Right Rev George Hearn BA Th Schol Dip RE Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Rockhampton". A further plaque reads, " To the Glory of Almighty God This Ministry Centre was dedicated on Saturday May…
Biloela, QLD - St Joseph's Catholic
Address: 66 Rainbow Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
Biloela, QLD - Uniting
Address: 90 Kroombit Street, , Biloela Queensland, 4715
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.
Binalong, NSW - St Patrick's Catholic
Year Built: 1913
Address: Monteagle Street, , Binalong New South Wales, 2584
The first church was located on Church Hill and was called the Church of St Peter's and Paul. The foundation stone of that church was laid in March 1859. It was later demolished. The Foundation stone of the existing Federation style church was laid on 17 September 1911 by the Catholic Bishop of Goulburn Dr Gallagher. Built of local…
Binalong, NSW - St Thomas' Anglican
Year Built: 1886
Address: Stephens Street, , Binalong New South Wales, 2584
One of the earliest references to the Binalong District as part of the parish of Yass is in the report of the Yass Auxiliary of the Church Society for 1869 when Archdeacon Lillingston is reported to have said, that Yass people were too apt to consider that the world lay between Bowning and the Gap. In the 1871 census Binalong is shown as…
Birchgrove, NSW - St John the Evangelist
Address: Cnr Birchgrove Road & Spring Street, , Birchgrove New South Wales, 2041
A wall plaque inside the church reads, " This porch was built to the Glory of God and in memory of his servant Arthur George Rix a faithful preacher and Rector of this parish for twenty five years. Died 2nd April 1953 His Word do Follow him Unveiled by the Honorary K.W. Street Chief Justice of NSW Dedicated by the the Most Revd H.W.K.…
Birchip, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1988
Address: 1 Rundle Street, , Birchip Victoria, 3483
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this Anglican church of St Paul the Apostle was consecrated on 2nd October 1988 by the Rt Revd O.S. Heywood M.A. Bishop of Bendigo (Foundations were blessed on 8th November 1987) This building replaces the original which was dedicated 28 July 1896 by th RT Revd H.E. Cooper M.A. Assistant…