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Clare, SA - Uniting
Address: Victoria Road, , Clare South Australia, 5453
The Wesleyan chapel was built in 1857 and listed by State Heritage. The chapel is located next to the Methodist Church which was opened in 1867. In recent times the two churches have been joined. The Foundation stone was laid on 22nd July 1866 and opened on 17th March 1867.
Claremont, TAS - St Alban's Anglican
Address: 56 Main Road, , Claremont Tasmania, 7011
The original church was built in 1913.
Claremont, TAS - St Bernard's Catholic
Year Built: 1958
Address: 27 Wyndham Road, , Claremont Tasmania, 7011
The Marist Fathers took charge of St. Bernard's Parish, Claremont, when Father O'Halloran, SM, came as parish priest in February 1958. Archbishop Guilford Young blessed and opened St. Bernard's Church, in Wyndham Road on April 20, 1958. Working bees organised by Father J. C. Wallis (Claremont was served from Glenorchy before the Marists…
Clarence Gardens, SA - St Anthony's of Padua Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: Castle Street, , Clarence Gardens South Australia, 5039
The Foundation stone was laid on 3 May 1959 by the Most Reverend M. Beovich D.D. Phd.
Clarence Gardens, SA - St Francis of Assisi Anglican
Year Built: 1964
Address: Dinwoodie Avenue, , Clarence Gardens South Australia, 5039
The Foundation stone was laid on 23 February 1964 by the Right Reverend T.T. Reed.
Clarence Park, SA - Church of the Trinity Uniting
Year Built: 1925
Address: 318 Goodwood Road, , Clarence Park South Australia, 5034
The Foundation stone was laid on 31 January 1925 by Mrs Andrew Linn. The Architect was Hurbert Henry Cowell.
Clarence, TAS - Uniting
Year Built: 1860
Address: 2 York Street, Clarence, Tasmania, 7270
The original foundation stone on the first church was laid on 18 April 1860 by Henry Hopkins. It was later attached to the current church on 15 October 1909 by Sir Albert Spicer M.P.
Clarendon, SA - Bible Christian (Former)
Year Built: 1853
Address: 55 Grants Gully Road, , Clarendon South Australia, 5157
A Heritage board at the front of the building reads, " The former Bible Christian Church was constructed in 1853 and served as a place of worship until the Methodist Union of 1899 -1900 sold the build to the District Council of Clarendon for use as a Council Chamber. This small, simple building is indicative of the stone buildings…
Clarendon, SA - Methodist (Former)
Year Built: 1851
Address: 2 Luke Street, , Clarendon South Australia, 5157
A Heritage board at the front of the former church reads, " On the 20th December 1849 George Morphett gave this portion of his land on 'Mt Zion' as the site for a Weslayen Chapel in Clarendon. Its erection was Sponsored by the Morphett. Burgess. Thorpe. Bottrill. Field and Jacobs families, all prominent in the establishment of the…
Clarendon, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1875
A Foundation stone reads, " Wesleyan Methodist Church This stone was laid by John Carr Esq M.P. Feb 6th 1875". A further Foundation stone reads, "This Foundation stone was laid by Brother Edward Burgess January 1st 1880. A final Foundation stone reads, " S S Kindergarten Room This stone was laid by J. Spencer (Sup) SSI Oct 11 1919".
Clarendon, VIC - St Mary's Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1871
Address: 6301 Midland Highway, , Clarendon Victoria, 3352
Built in 1871 the church is composed of rendered stone, with Lal Lal white brick facings, is 43ft long by 20ft wide, including a chancel, and cost about £500.
Clarinda, VIC - St Andrew's Catholic
Year Built: 1989
Address: 76 Springs Road, , Clarinda Victoria, 3169
A Foundation stone reads. " This church of St Andrews was officially blessed and opened by The Most Reverend T.F. Little Archbishop of Melbourne date 8th December 1989 Father Martin Dixon Parish Priest. CD Mason Constructions Pty Ltd Building Contractor Geoffrey Hall Forman Paul Archibald Pty Ltd Architect Enrico Marrone Project…
Clayfield, QLD - Scots Presbyterian Memorial
Year Built: 1889
Address: 29 Bellevue Terrace, , Clayfield Queensland, 4011
The original Scots Presbyterian Church was designed by AB Wilson, architect, and built by James Watterson in Balmain Street, Maida Hill. It was opened for worship on Sunday May 18, 1889. The congregation decided to enlarge the church in the early 1900s and this site at the corner of Bellevue Terrace and Queens Rd was acquired. The church…
Clayfield, QLD - St Agatha's Catholic
Year Built: 1924
Address: 52 Orial Road, , Clayfield Queensland, 4011
The foundation stone of the new church was laid by Duhig on 10 August 1924. A sum of £1,150 was collected at the ceremony towards the cost of the building. This amount had increased to £2,400 by the church's opening. Donations ranged from small amounts to £200, including £25 from Hennessy and Hennessy, and £25 from Mrs T.C. Beirne. The…
Clayfield, QLD - St Colomb's Anglican
Year Built: 1899
Address: 23 Victoria Street, , Clayfield Queensland, 4011
The Church was designed in 1899 by J.H. Buckeridge, the Brisbane Anglican Diocesan Architect. The church was situated originally in Franz Road, but was moved to its current location in December 1920.
Clayfield, QLD - St Mark's Anglican
Year Built: 1960
Address: 103 Bonney Avenue, , Clayfield Queensland, 4011
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Greater Glory of God the War Memorial Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist. This stone was set and blessed by John Coadjutor Bishop of Brisbane on the twentieth day of October 1960. Rev CJE Hogan Rector." A plaque reads, " A.M.D.G. The War Memorial Church of St Mark the Evangelist was consecrated by…
Clayfield, QLD - Uniting
Address: 170 Bonney Avenue, , Clayfield Queensland, 4011
A Foundation stone reads, "The Uniting Church in Australia To the glory of God this stone was laid by The Rev Leslie T Vickery OBE MA L.Th on Sunday 2nd March 1986. Minister Rev Clive W Ayre B.A. BD". A plaque reads' "Clayfield Uniting Church This building was dedicated to the glory of God by The Moderator Rev Barry Dangerfield BD Dip…
Clayton South, VIC - Greek Orthodox
Address: 40 Bevan Avenue, , Clayton South Victoria, 3169
Clayton South, VIC - Greek Orthodox of the Three Hierarchs
Address: 44 Knight Street, , Clayton South Victoria, 3169
Clayton, VIC - Church of Christ Fellowship
Year Built: 2012
Address: 25 Burton Avenue, , Clayton Victoria, 3168
On 4 February 1951, a small group of believers met in the home of Bill and Vera Munyard at 459 Clayton Road, Clayton. Within six months, numbers had increased and they had outgrown the house so the public hall in the main street of Clayton was hired for meetings. Church meetings were held here each Sunday for the next three years. In…
Clayton, VIC - Cook Island's Uniting
Address: 14 Burton Avenue, , Clayton Victoria, 3168
A Foundation stone reads, " Erected to the Glory of God opened 24th August 1957".
Clayton, VIC - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Address: 54 Madeleine Road, , Clayton Victoria, 3168
The Church was established in August 1950.
Clayton, VIC All Saints' Anglican
Address: 2 Dixon Street, , Clayton Victoria, 3168
A Foundation stone reads, " Aug 18th A.D. 1910".
Clear Island Waters, QLD - Sacred Heart Catholic
Year Built: 1986
Address: 50 Fairway Drive, , Clear Island Waters Queensland, 4226
A Foundation stone reads, "This Church dedicated to the Sacred heart of Jesus was blessed and opened by His Grace the Most Reverend F.R. Rush D.D. Archbishop of Brisbane on Sunday 22nd June 1986 Rev O.K. Oxenham DCL OBE Parish Priest Surfers Paridis Broadbeach". A plaque reads, “ The rose window faces the mountains to the west: the…
Clearview, SA - Good Shepherd Catholic
Year Built: 1964
Address: 7 St Alban's Place, , Clearview South Australia, 5085
Clements Gap, SA - Soldiers Memorial Uniting
Year Built: 1925 - 1926
Address: Block F Road, , Clements Gap South Australia, 5523
The 32nd United States Infantry Division set up camp in this location during WW2 hence the name of the church and the road passing by. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by Mrs G.M. Wilson. Nov 12th 1925".
Clermont, QLD - All Saints' Anglican
Address: 52 Daintree Street, , Clermont Queensland, 4721
The original was a wooden structure which by 1917 was in a poor state of repair. It was situated in that part of the town built close to two creeks & when these flooded in 1916, killing 56 of the town's citizens, the remaining buildings were moved to higher ground.
Clermont, QLD - St Mark's Catholic
Address: 12 Capricorn Street, , Clermont Queensland, 4721
The first Church was opened in 1866.
Clermont, QLD - Uniting
Address: 40 Box Street, , Clermont Queensland, 4721
Rev Thomas Brassington arrived on 11th March 1885 and a Methodist Church was built in Box St just opposite St Joseph’s School and dedicated on 19th September 1886. The new Methodist Church was built in 1975 by Joe Sporne and Gordon Murray.
Cleve, SA - Lutheran (Former)
Address: 2455 Birdseye Highway, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
Cleve, SA - St Michael and all Angels Anglican
Year Built: 1913
Address: 45 Fourth Street, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
Built for £535, by Messrs Legg & Lampe the material for the church was carted from Arno Bay. The porch and vestry were added at a later date for £68. A Heritage Board at the front of the Church reads, " The foundation stone of the Church of England was, laid on the 22 May 1913. Originally there was a picket fence with a high picket…
Cleve, SA - St Paul's Lutheran
Address: 4 Fourth Street, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
A Foundation stone reads, " Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever 1st Sunday in Advent November 27 1966".
Cleve, SA - St Paul's Lutheran (Former)
Year Built: 1927
Address: 2455 Birdseye Highway, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
Also known as St Paul's Lutheran Church Crossville .The Church was dedicated in 1927 and closed in 1960. The members used the Hall from 1960 and then the new St Paul's Church in Fourth Street Cleve for worship from 1967. Now is privately owned.
Cleve, SA - St Vincent de Paul Catholic
Address: 4 Fifth Street, , Cleve South Australia, 5640
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.