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Year built: between 1951 and 1960
Hamilton, VIC - Good Shepherd Lutheran
Year Built: 1957
Address: 12 Thompson Street, , Hamilton Victoria, 3300
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 17th March 1957 The Foundation of God Standeth sure 2. TIM 2:19"
Hawkesdale, VIC - Immanuel Lutheran
Year Built: 1954
Address: 24 Dawson Street, , Hawkesdale Victoria, 3287
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God September 26th 1954 ACTS 4 : 11 - 12". A Foundation stone on the Church Hall reads, "Feed my Lambs John 21:15 9th October 1966".
Hendra, QLD - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1953
Address: 12 Barilda Street, , Hendra Queensland, 4011
A Foundation stone reads, " To the glory of God This stone was laid on Sunday 10th May 1953 by The Right Rev H H Dixon MA Th D Bishop Coadjutor of Brisbane".
Hobart, TAS - St George's Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1957
Address: 5 Antill Street, , Hobart South Tasmania, 7004
A Foundation stone reads, " The Foundation stone of this Greek Orthodox Church was laid by The Honourable Consul for Greece T.T. Rogers O.B.E. J.P. on 25. 3. 1957".
Holland Park West, QLD - St Matthew's Memorial Anglican
Year Built: 1957
Address: 889 Logan Road, , Holland Park West Queensland, 4121
The Church was established as a mission church to service the expanding south eastern suburbs of Brisbane in the early1930’s, the parish reached its maturity after World War II which culminated with the building of the existing Memorial Church in 1957 and the establishment of the parish hall complex adjacent. A Foundation stone reads,…
Home Hill, QLD - St Stephen's Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1960
Address: 5 Eighth Avenue, , Home Hill Queensland, 4806
A Foundation stone reads, " St Stephen's Greek Orthodox Church Home Hill - consecrated 27-12-61 by His Grace Archbishop Ezekiel". Another Foundation stone reads, " This stone was set on 21-2-60 by the Rev. Father El. Zographakis Priest of the Greek Orth. Church T-Villf and Cent Qld".
Horsham, VIC - St John the Divine Anglican
Year Built: 1957
Address: Baillie Street, , Horsham Victoria, 3400
The first resident Priest was the Rev J.M. Watson who began his services in the Mechanics Institute.Within a year of his arrival a vicarage was built and ready for occupation in February 1877. The original St Johns was opened and dedicated on April 29 1877 by Bishop Samuel Thornton of the newly established Ballarat Diocese. The…
Howlong, NSW - St Brigid's Catholic
Year Built: 1956
Address: 68 Pell Street, , Howlong New South Wales, 2643
A Foundation stone reads, " St Brigid's Church blessed and opened by The Most Reverend F.A. Henschke DD Bishop of Wagga 22nd July 1956 Rev T. Shanley Pastor".
Hughenden, QLD - St Thomas' Anglican
Year Built: 1953
Address: 14 Hardwicke Street, , Hughenden Queensland, 4821
The first recorded services were held in 1883 and in 1885 Bishop Stanton dedicated the Parish Church of St Thomas. This church was demolished in 1949 by a cyclone. The origins of the Hughenden parish of the Church of England are closely bound up warn the first settlement of the district, particularly with Mr. Robert Gray, who gained…
Huon, VIC - Red Bluff Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1952
Address: 34 Gundowring Road, , Huon Victoria, 3695
A Foundation stone reads, " Erected to the Glory of God by this Congregation of the Presbyterian Church AD 1952. A foundation stone on the tower reads, " This tower was added to the Glory of God in memory of the Christian pioneers of these valleys who toiled not in vain and are now at rest".
Hurstville, NSW - St Giles War Memorial Presbyterian
Year Built: 1955
Address: Corner Park & McMahon Streets, , Hurstville New South Wales, 2220
The first Presbyterian Church in Hurstville was a wooden building built in 1904 in Forest Road. The second Church was built in 1923 and is now the Youth Centre opposite the current Church. The Foundation stone of the current church reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by Lieut General Sir John Northcott KCMC CVO OB 5th March…
Ingham, QLD - Holy Trinity Anglican
Year Built: 1954
Address: Jane Street, , Ingham Queensland, 4850
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God and n remembrance of those who served their country in time of war - This stone was laid by the Most Reverend Reginald Halse D.D. Archbishop of Brisbane and metropolitan of Queensland on the 5th September 1954. Rev W.J.A. Daniels Rector".
Invermay, TAS - St Finn Barr's Catholic
Year Built: 1954
Address: 122 Invermay Road, , Invermay Tasmania, 7248
A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was blessed and laid by his race the Most Rev E.V. Tweedy D.D. Archbishop of Hobart on 14th February 1954 W.T. Ryan Parish Priest". A second stone on a brick post reads, " These status were erected by parishioners of St Finn Barrs parish to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of the Parish Priest…
Ipswich, QLD - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1960
Address: Corner Nicholas & Roderwick Streets, , Ipswich Queensland, 4305
The first public gathering of Lutherans in the District was held on Reformation day 1858 in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. The land on which the church currently stands was granted to the Lutherans on 17 November 1862. A small brick church was erected and dedicated 26 June 1864. The current church was erected in 1960 and dedicated on…
Ipswich, QLD - Uniting
Year Built: 1960
Address: 27 Ellenborough Street, , Ipswich Queensland, 4305
The first Methodist service of worship in Ipswich (then known as 'Limestone') was held on 28 January 1848.
Irymple, VIC - St Francis Xavier Catholic
Year Built: 1958
Address: 2 Elms Street, , Irymple Victoria, 3498
A wall plaque read, " Most Rev J.P. O'Collins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat blessed and dedicated this Church to St Francis Xavier Sunday May 4th 1958 Rev J. Day P.O.".
Jeparit, VIC - St Augustine's Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: 23 Sands Street, , Jeparit Victoria, 3423
An Historical marker at the front of the Church reads, " In the years prior to 1917 Mass was celebrated in the Mechanics Institute by Priests from Nhill. When sufficient funds allowed the weatherboard Catholic Church at Lillimur was dismantled and transported by rail in December 1917 by Father Daly, and was reopened as St Augustine's in…
Kadina, SA - Immanuel Lutheran
Year Built: 1959
Address: Ewing Street, , Kadina South Australia, 5554
The first service was held in the home of Mr F Fiedler and conducted by Pastor J Sabel in 1933. Later that year a congregation was formed. Services were moved to the Protestant Hall in 1945. This hall was later purchased renovated and dedicated on 23 September 1956. This building was not sufficient and it was decided in 1959 a proposal…
Katamatite, VIC Uniting
Year Built: 1960
Address: 34 Moore Street, , Katamatite Victoria, 3649
The Katamatite church is representative of a remarkable period of architectural experimentation during the postwar years, wherein new materials and technologies provided architects with cheaper means and mechanisms of construction. Designed by Architectural practice Muir and Shepherd. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God…
Kedron, QLD - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1959
Address: 12 Emerald Street, , Kedron Queensland, 4031
Brisbane North was actually formed in 1992, being an amalgamation of Albion Church of Christ, meeting at McLennan Street Albion, and Kedron Church of Christ, meeting at the current location. The Albion church was established in 1911, and one of the churches it eventually “gave birth” to was the Kedron congregation, established in 1929…
Kedron, QLD - Methodist (Former)
Year Built: 1957
Address: 96 Lekie Road, , Kedron Queensland, 4031
A Foundation stone reads, " Kedron Methodist memorial Church to the Glory of God to Memorial to all those who served and those who died in world wars 1914 - 1918, 1939 - 1945, and Korea 1950 - 1952. And in gratitude to pioneers of the Church This stone was laid by Rev S.Y Potter BA BD President of the Conference Rev L.S. Hiscock L Th…
Keith, SA - St Paul's Lutheran
Year Built: 1959
Address: Poplar Street, , Keith South Australia, 5267
The first Lutheran's recorded in the Keith area were that of J August Rohde's family in 1888. Between then and 1948 a visiting Pastor conducted services in the Keith area. Between then and the close of the Second World War there is no records of Lutheran activities in the Keith area. The first substantive service was held on 15 August…
Kempsey, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1953
Address: 59 Tozer Street, , Kempsey New South Wales, 2440
Formerley a Methodist Church it was built in 1953, with the foundation stones laid by Frank O. Secomb and the Revd Wesley Tredinnick.
Kew East, VIC - St Anne's Catholic
Year Built: 1957
Address: Beresford Street, , Kew East Victoria, 3102
The current church was built in 1957 combining modern and traditional elements of a basilica forms and tower with a stripped back modernity. Built of common building material of brick. A Foundation stone was laid on August 10, 1930, by Archbishop Mannix laid for the original church. It was declared a separate parish in January 1937 when…
Kew East, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1960
Address: Windella Avenue, , Kew East Victoria, 3102
St Paul’s Parish Hall, built in 1925 represents the first building for the newly created parochial district of East Kew after its split from the districts of Holy Trinity and St Hilary’s in Kew. The 1960 church by Earle and Bunbury is a good example of a Modern Post-war church in the round. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Immortal…
Killara, NSW - St Martin's Anglican
Year Built: 1959
Address: 9B Arnold Street, , Killara New South Wales, 2071
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by The Most Reverend Hugh Gough OBE DD Archbishop of Sydney and metropolitan 30th August 1959".
Kingsgrove, NSW - St Thomas' War Memorial Anglican
Year Built: 1952
Address: Morgan Street, , Kingsgrove New South Wales, 2208
The Church was built in 1952, beside the former St Thomas' Anglican Church that had been dedicated in 1941. Reverend Geoffrey Mitchell Fletcher (1921–2013) arranged the architect for the building and, as a special favour, Professor Wilkinson donated his services free. The Church includes the Chinese Southwest Christian Church.
Kingsgrove, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: Corner Moreton Avenue & Kingsgrove Road, , Kingsgrove New South Wales, 2208
Around 1939 land was secured at a total cost of £360.04.07, which included the necessary legal fees, survey fees and rates, and the building was constructed by Messrs. W. Lilley and Son, to plans drawn up by Messrs. Brown and Mowbray, Official Church Architects. The first service in the Church was held on 30th July 1939, and was…
Kingston SE, SA - St Therese Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: McDonnell Street, , Kingston SE South Australia, 5275
The original Foundation stone was laid on 1 March 1959 by the very Reverend J.W. Gleeson D.D. The current Church was dedicated on 19 December 2009 by the most Reverend Phillip Wilson D.D. J.C.L. Archbishop of Adelaide.
Kurralta Park, SA - Seeds Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 1 Hare Street, , Kurralta Park South Australia, 5037
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by Rev F.G. Rogers 28 -5-55".
Kyogle, NSW - Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic
Year Built: 1956
Address: 156 Summerland Way, , Kyogle New South Wales, 2474
A Foundation stone reads, "Our Lady of Sorrows Church This foundation stone was blessed and laid by Most Rev Patrick J Farrelly DD Bishop of Lismore on Sunday 5th August 1956 Feast of Our Lady of the Sorrows". A plaque reads, "This Church has been erected as a memorial to members of The Armed Services who lost their lives in World Wars…
Kyogle, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: 14 Bloore Street, , Kyogle New South Wales, 2474
A Foundation stone reads, "This foundation stone was set to the Glory of God by Rev A T Newton 17th Aug 1957 A R Lewis MBChM H R A Boyd JP Circuit Stewards". A plaque reads, "This centre was officially opened and dedicated to the Glory of God on 3rd December 1966 by Rev S John Bowles L Th Dip RE H R A Boyd, A G Towns Circuit Stewards…
Lakemba, NSW - Baptist
Year Built: 1952
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was unveiled to the Glory of God by A.A. Mosely Esq President Baptist Union NSW Rev A Driver Minister 13th December 1952".
Lang Lang, VIC - St John's Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1959
Address: 6 Whitstable Street, , Lang Lang Victoria, 3984
The old church was transported from another site. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by The Rt Rev David Arthur Garnsey M.A. Th. D. Fifth Bishop of Gippsland on 28th February 1959. Louis R Williams F.R.A.I.A. Architect - H.B. Kirby B.A. Thl Rector". The congregation now gathers at the Uniting Church.
Langwarrin, VIC - St Thomas' Anglican
Year Built: 1960
Address: Corner Warrandyte & North Roads, , Langwarrin Victoria, 3910
The original church was a former World War 1 army hut. By 1960 it was decided to look at constructing a new church. A substantial donation by Nevil Shute Norway helped in the process. The Foundation stone was laid on 8 September 1963 by R.W. Dann B.A. The Architects were Wystan Widdows and David Caldwell. The church was built by John Wolt…
Lavington, NSW - St Peter's Lutheran
Year Built: 1960
Address: 367 Urana Road, , Lavington New South Wales, 2641
A Foundation stone reads, " St Peter's EV Lutheran Church Thy Kingdom Come Matth 6 : 10 Laid to the Glory of God by Rev B.E. Bartholomaeus August 21st 1960".
Leeton, NSW - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1957
Address: Corner Cypress & Sycamore Streets, , Leeton New South Wales, 2705
The Foundation stone was laid on 29 September 1957 by the Right Reverend E.H. Vines Moderator of the General Assembly of NSW.
Leeton, NSW - St Joseph's Catholic
Year Built: 1955
Address: Wade Avenue, , Leeton New South Wales, 2705
A brick church the design of which was by Architects S.J. O'Halloran. The builder was T.J. Ashton. The Foundation stone was laid on 1 May 1955 by the Most Reverend F.A. Henschke D.D.
Liverpool, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1960
Address: 28 Pirie Street, , Liverpool New South Wales, 2170
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was set by Thomas Sunderland 19th November 1960".