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Charters Towers, QLD - Baptist (Former)
Address: Ryan Street, , Charters Towers Queensland, 4820
Charters Towers, QLD - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1885
Address: 25 Anne Street, , Charters Towers Queensland, 4820
The Church was formerly St Johanne's Lutheran Church and Bell Tower. A Foundation stone reads 1885.
Charters Towers, QLD - St Columba's Catholic
Year Built: 1974
Address: Church Street, , Charters Towers Queensland, 4820
A plaque reads, " This stone was blessed by The Most Rev L. Faulkiner Bishop of Townsville on 3rd September 1972 in the Centenary year of St Columba's Parish 1872 - 1972".
Charters Towers, QLD - St Paul's Anglican
Address: 182 Gill Street, , Charters Towers Queensland, 4820
Charters Towers, QLD - Uniting
Year Built: 1966
Address: 101 Gills Street, , Charters Towers Queensland, 4820
The first church, Central Methodist Church, was built on the site and opened on the 19th October 1879. It was replaced by an impressive wooden building in September 1890. It was demolished in February 1966 to make way for the present octagonal structure. The new church building was completed in June 1966.
Chatswood, NSW - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1983
Address: 365 Victoria Avenue, , Chatswood New South Wales, 2067
A Foundation stone reads, " This building was opened to the Glory of God on Saturday 26th March 1983 replacing the original Chapel built on this site". A further Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid 25th November 1922 to commemorate the erection of this building for the worship of god".
Chatswood, NSW - Congregational (Former)
Year Built: 1933
Address: 42 Anderson Street, , Chatswood New South Wales, 2067
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Rev R.B. Reynolds MA BD Chairman of the Congregational Union in its Centenary Year March 18th 1933".
Chatswood, NSW - Our Lady of Dolours Catholic
Year Built: 1920
Address: 94 Archer Street, , Chatswood New South Wales, 2067
The Catholic Church acquired property in Archer Street in 1888. The building of first church/school took place in 1895 on a portion of an 1863 cemetery grant of some three and a half acres in Archer/Anderson Streets. The Church was opened in 1921 but not finished until 1961. Architects were Messrs Hennessy and Hennessy.…
Chatswood, NSW - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1898
Address: 28 Anderson Street, , Chatswood New South Wales, 2067
The corner stone was laid in October 1898 and reads, " This corner stone was laid by the Hon Alex Kethel MLC 15th October 1898". Services having been held from 1896 in the local public hall. Designed by the architect Thomas Tidswell, the building was opened on Saturday 17 December 1898.
Chatswood, NSW - St Paul's Anglican
Address: 1 - 5 View Street, , Chatswood New South Wales, 2067
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God this stone commemorates the dedication of this Church by The Most Rev H.W.K. Mowll CMG DD Archbishop of Sydney and Primate of Australia on 5th November 1955 Church Wardens L.G. de Dear, W. Hood, A.S. Kendell Rector J. Mills Thl Architect R Lindsay Little FRAIA Builders Girvan Bros Pty Ltd".
Chelsea, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic
Year Built: 1941
Address: 362 Station Street, , Chelsea Victoira, 3196
In 1913 Fr. Quinn built a weatherboard church — 60 feet by 30 feet — on the corner of Station Street and Woodbine Grove; by this time the Catholic families numbered 25. This church was Blessed and opened by Dr. Carr, Archbishop of Melbourne, on 27th December, 1914. Before the opening, Fr. Quinn had been transferred to Oakleigh and Fr. T.…
Cheltenham, NSW - Congregational (Former)
Address: 179 Beecroft Road, , Beecroft New South Wales, 2119
A local architect (at that stage records do not say who) was engaged to build a 60ft by 40ft building, ‘outer walls to be completed and a partitioned divide, 14ft by 40ft in the interior ‘ for the Sunday School and vestry’. The foundation stone was laid on April 9th, 1927 by Mrs. Chorley. The ladies guilds of Epping and Pennant Hills…
Cheltenham, VIC - Charman Uniting
Year Built: 1921
Address: 313 Charman Road, , Cheltenham Victoria, 3192
A Foundation stone on the original church reads, " This stone was laid by Mrs F. Woff for 56 years a member of the Cheltenham Methodist Church Oct 22 1921. W.H. Orchill Architect L.H. Buttersworth Contractor". A Foundation stone on the newer Hall reads, " Dedicated to the worship of God March 6th 1965 by Rev C.H. Gallagher M.A. B.D.…
Cheltenham, VIC - Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic
Address: 9 Centre Dandenong Road, , Cheltenham Victoria, 3192
Cheltenham, VIC - Pioneer's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1957
Address: 8 Park Road, , Cheltenham Victoria, 3192
From TROVE 3 Sep 1886. The Cheltenham Presbyterian congregation on last Wednesday evening held a conversazione, to show their appreciation of the services ot the late pastor, the Hey. D. H. Ballantyne, who after 17 years' ministration, working in connexion with the Brighton church Cheltenham being a missionary station had resigned the…
Cheltenham, VIC - Southern Community Church of Christ
Address: 2 Chesterville Road, , Cheltenham Victoria, 3192
The original chapel was built in 1878. A Foundation stone attached to the rear Pine Street Hall reads, " This Memorial stone was laid by Mrs R.W. Tuck April 2nd 1902".
Cheltenham, VIC - St Matthew's Anglican
Year Built: 1966
Address: 161 Park Road, , Cheltenham Victoria, 3192
At a meeting of the congregation on 1st February, 1865, the Rev. S. Taylor was authorized to apply for a grant of land on which to build a church. Part of the Government Reserve was chosen — the triangular piece of land on which St Matthew's now stands In 1867, a separate Parish of Cheltenham was created, and baptisms (of adults as…
Chermside, QLD - All Saints' Anglican
Address: 501 Hamilton Road, , Chermside Queensland, 4032
About 1906-7 Church services began at Chermside in the Public Hall, later School of Arts, on the corner of Hall St and Gympie Road where the original Council Library was built in 1952. The services were conducted by the Rev Cyril Mahew from St Francis' College at Nundah. The church paid a rent of £1/5/0 ($2.50 or $115 in 2001 values) 8…
Cherry Gardens, SA - Uniting
Address: 87 Hicks Hill Road, , Cherry Gardens South Australia, 5157
It is the oldest existing Methodist Church south of Adelaide. Before the chapel was built, Methodist services had been held in the homes of the Jacobs, Middleton and Field families. The Wesleyans united with the Bible Christians and built a chapel on land given by Mr Field. A wall plaque reads, This church was opened as The Cherry…
Cherrybrook, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1888
Address: 134 New Line Road, , Cherrybrook New South Wales, 2126
A Foundation stone reads, " This Foundation stone was laid by Mrs Schofield of Bondi August 22nd 1888". A further stone reads, " This foundation stone was laid by J.E. Carruthers of Ryde August 22nd 1888". A plaque on the hall next door reads, : The stone for this addition came from the home of Thomas Thompson the door was opened…
Chester Hill, NSW - Baptist
Address: 109 Priam Street, , Chester Hill New South Wales, 2162
The Church was established in 1932, with its origins in a 1929 mission to the area from Auburn Baptist Church, Chester Hill Baptist Church is a multi-ethnic family church in the western suburbs of Sydney.
Chester Hill, NSW - Presbyterian
Year Built: 1954
Address: 64 Priam Street, , Chester Hill New South Wales, 2162
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by N. Chivas Esq 3rd April 1954".
Chester Hill. NSW - Anglican
Address: 125 Proctor Parade, , Chester Hill New South Wales, 2162
Childers, QLD - Christ Church Anglican
Address: 24 Macrossan Street, , Childers Queensland, 4660
It was designed by John Hingeston Buckeridge and built from 1900 to 1958. It is a timber church constructed to the design of Anglican Church architect John H Buckeridge in 1900 is the second church to be built on the site. Initial tenders submitted for Buckeridge's design for Christ Church were considered too high and the plans were…
Childers, QLD - Grace Lutheran
Address: 226 Churchill Street, , Childers Queensland, 4660
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed. Divine service, with Holy Communion, and Children's story every Sunday at 10.30am.
Childers, QLD - Sacred Heart Catholic
Year Built: 1941
Address: 44 Bruce Highway, , Childers Queensland, 4660
The Foundation stone of this Church erected to the Glory of God and in honour of the sacred heart by the people of Childers was blessed and laid by Most Rev James Duhig D.D. Archbishop of Brisbane 28 - 3 - 41. R.W. Lyons P.P.".
Childers, QLD - Uniting
Address: 27 Nelson Street, , Childers Queensland, 4660
Formerly a Methodist Church.
Childers, QLD - Wesleyan Methodist
Address: 6 Broadhurst Street, , Childers Queensland, 4660
Formerly a Presbyterian Church.
Chiltern, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1871
Address: High Street, , Chiltern Victoria, 3683
The former Presbyterian church was erected 1871-1875 by Smith and Houston. It replaced a timber and bark structure erected in 1860 some distance west of the site. The present orange-coloured brick structure comprises a buttressed hall with the west front punctuated by a pinnacled octagonal bell-cote on the gable apex and a small…
Chiltern, VIC - St Mary's Catholic
Address: 144 North Road, , Chiltern Victoria, 3683
A Church was opened in March 1872 with dimentions of 60 x 25 feet excluding the outer and inner sanctuary. It cost £1,200. The current Church building appears to have been built in 1966. Smith and Tracey of Melbourne were the architects of the current Church and N. & M. O'Neil of Wodonga the building contractor. The church cost $54,000…
Chiltern, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1870
Address: Albert Road, , Chiltern Victoria, 3683
During 1869 services were held in the Old Fellows hall. Erected over a period between 1870 and 1875, the design was adapted from a church in Ireland. Construction was by James Fitzpatrick. The Foundation stone was laid on 25 April 1870 by Sir William Foster Stawell Chief Justice of the Colony of Victoria. The architects were…
Chippendale, NSW - St Benedict's Catholic
Year Built: 1857
Address: 104 Broadway, , Chippendale New South Wales, 2008
In January 1836 Fr McEncroe applies to the colonial government for a grant of land. The Colonial Secretary advises the approval for the appropriation of one of four vacant allotments on Parramatta Road, near Cooper’s distillery. In 1843 tenders are called for the erection of a “church (St Benedict’s) in stone as well as brick”. By the end…
Christies Beach , SA - Noarlunga Uniting
Address: 23 William Raod, , Christies Beach South Australia, 5165
Churchill, VIC - Christ Church Anglican
Address: Williams Avenue, , Churchill Victoria, 3842
Clapham, SA - Methodist (Former)
Address: 57A Price Avenue, , Clapham South Australia, 5062
The Church was founded in 1865 and was known as the West Mitcham Primitive Methodist Church. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by Mrs S Chiles Dec 18th 1884".
Clare, SA - St Barnabas Anglican
Year Built: 1852
Address: 25 Farrell Flat Road, , Clare South Australia, 5453
Built in 1851, in simple Gothic Revival design, St Barnabas was the outcome of much active lobbying by the founder of Clare, E. B. Gleeson, and other local people of influence. It is one of the earliest surviving rural Anglican churches of its type and reflects the religious aspirations of settlers at the time. Land was granted for a…
Clare, SA - St Paul's Lutheran
Year Built: 1947
Address: 5 Sabine Street, , Clare South Australia, 5453
On January 1, 1947 members of the UECLA living in the Clare district met in the home of Mr W.B. Wundke to discuss the formation of a Lutheran Church in Clare A building committee was formed in 1948 and plans for the church were already prepared by August of that year. The first sod was turned on 31 May 1951 with the Foundation stone being…