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Ashburton, VIC - Presbyterian
Address: 1 High Street Road, , Ashburton Victoria, 3147
Land was originally acquired in Gloucester Road but, with the construction of the High Street Road diversion, this land was exchanged for a triangular-shaped block at the junction of High Street and High Street Road. On this land, purchased for £1,292.14.6, an all-purpose building was erected by the Church Extension Board at a cost of…
Ashburton, VIC - St Matthew's Anglican
Year Built: 1954
Address: 334 High Street, , Ashburton Victoria, 3147
On 14th January 1947, eighteen residents gathered for a meeting called by the Rev. C.H. Zercho, Vicar of St Oswald's, Glen Iris, to discuss possible plans for Anglican activities in Ashburton. The first church building was dedicated on 21 September 1947. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by His Grace The Archbishop of…
Ashburton, VIC - St Michael's Catholic
Year Built: 1953
Address: 270 High Street, , Ashburton Victoria, 3147
The first Mass was conducted by Father Patrick Loughnan on Sunday 11 December 1927 at the Ashburton Hall located on the corner of High Street and Johnston Street, just west of the shopping centre. On 26 April 1946 Ashburton was created a parish, entrusted to the care of Father John Ryan who had been an army chaplain. As the parish grew he…
Ashburton, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1961
Address: 3 Ashburn Grove, , Ashburton Victoria,
The site of the present property with a frontage of 180 feet to Ashburn Grove was purchased n December 1928 by the Malvern Circuit. A reference from the source below reads, " On Saturday 14th of December 1935 Rev F.H. Williams unlocked the Church doors with a gold key presented by the Architects and Rev J.W. Rowse who at the time was…
Ashbury, NSW - St Francis Xavier Catholic
Year Built: 1955
Address: 54 Leopold Street, , Ashbury New South Wales, 2193
The Parish was established in 1928 with Fr McMahon as our first pastor. The foundation stone for the first building was laid in 1929 and into the foundations was buried a stone which had come from the church in Malacca where St. Francis Xavier had preached the Gospel. In 1930 which was to have a significant and continuing influence on…
Ashbury, NSW - St Matts Anglican
Address: 4 Leith Street, , Ashbury New South Wales, 21993
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by Mrs J.H. Goodlet 17th Oct 1926".
Ashbury, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: 5 Melville Street, , Ashbury New South Wales, 21993
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by the Rev BR Wyllie MA BD President NSW Conference 26th Oct 1957. The Rev P.F. Gibson Minister". The Hall is called the Peace Memorial Hall and was built around 1962.
Ashfield, NSW - Baptist
Year Built: 1937
Address: 19 Holden Street, , Ashfield New South Wales, 2131
The first Baptist Church building in Ashfield was in 1886 at 25 Holden Street, The current Church is the third on this site and was built in 1937. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was unveiled to the Glory of God by Rev R. Goodman Pastor of the Church 28th August 1937". A church of dark brown face brickwork with dressings of…
Ashfield, NSW - Presbyterian
Year Built: 1885
Address: 3 Knox Street, , Ashfield New South Wales, 2131
The first Presbyterian service in Ashfield was held in the Oddfellows' Hall in October, 1875, On 12/3/1876 the first weatherboard church was opened by the Revd. Dr John Dummore Lang, the land having been given by John Pope, Ashfield's first Mayor. In 1882, additional land was purchased and a building fund opened for a new church. Knox…
Ashfield, NSW - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1843
Address: 81 Alt Street, , Ashfield New South Wales, 2131
The foundation stone of a church was laid by Bishop Broughton in 1840, but problems with brickwork resulted in Edmund Blacket being called in and the church being re-erected under his direction. The first section was completed in 1843 and consecrated in 1845. The third Rector, the Revd. Fred Wilkinson, carved the reredos and screen to…
Ashfield, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1865
Address: 180 Liverpool Road, , Ashfield New South Wales, 2131
Formerly a Methodist Church it was established in 1840 and constructed in 1865. The site one which the Church now stands was part of the 1841 subidivion of the Canterbury Estate. Robert Campbell donated the land to the Wesleyan Church in 1842, and a small church was first erected on the site now occupied by the hall. The foundation stone…
Ashgrove West, QLD - Uniting
Address: Corner Glory & Waterworks Streets, , Ashgrove West Queensland, 4060
Ashgrove, QLD - St Finbarr's Catholic
Year Built: 1955
Address: 202 Waterworks Road, , Ashgrove Queensland, 4060
The Foundation stone was laid on 25 September 1955 by the Most Reverend J. Duhig Archbishop of Brisbane.
Ashgrove, QLD - St Michael's Catholic
Year Built: 1974
Address: 250 Banks Street, , Ashgrove Queensland, 4060
A Foundation stone reads, " Church of Saint Michael Dorrington This Foundation stone was laid and blessed by his Grace Most Rev Francis Rush D.D. Archbishop of Brisbane 1st December 1974. Rev G.N. Lahiffe CS Sp PP".
Ashgrove, QLD - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1951
Address: 286 Waterworks Road, , Ashgrove Queensland, 4060
The first sketch plans for the new church were prepared by a local resident, Mr. R. Moreton Taylor, who was at that time the Principal Architect of the Commonwealth Department of Works and Housing. The church was opened and dedicated by Archbishop Hale on 15 June 1952 and was the second church to be built on the site, replacing the…
Ashgrove, QLD - The Grove Uniting
Year Built: 1961
Address: 22 Ashgrove Avenue, , Ashgrove Queensland, 4060
Formerly a Methodist church the foundation stone was laid on 8 October 1961 by the Reverend J. Tainton. The church is now closed.
Aspendale, VIC St Mary of the Cross Catholic
Address: 37 Dolphin Street, , Aspendale Victoria, 3195
Aspley, QLD - Uniting
Address: 734 Robinson Road, , Aspley Queensland, 4034
Formelry a Methodist church.
Aspley, TAS - St Bartholomew's Anglican
Address: 316 Lower Marshes Road, , Aspley Tasmania,
Asquitch, NSW - St John's Anglican
Address: 6 Royston Parade, , Asquith New South Wales, 2077
The foundation stone for the first St John's Anglican Church was laid by Mrs. George (Emily) Pile on 23rd July 1921. The completed church was dedicated by Archbishop Wright in April 1923. A full history can be viewed here.
Asquith, NSW - Church of Christ
Address: 3 Amor Street, , Asquith New South Wales, 2077
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by R Greenhaigh Conference President 9th August 1958".
Asquith, NSW - St Patricks Catholic
Address: Cnr Royston Parade & Baldwin Avenue, , Asquith New South Wales, 2077
Asquith, NSW - Uniting
Address: 1A Baldwin Avenue, , Asquith New South Wales, 2077
The Church hosts the Sau Faupula or Tongan congregation.
Athelstone, SA - Sts Raphael Nicholas & Irene ️Greek Orthodox
Address: 232 Groge Road, , Athelstone South Australia, 5076
Auburn, NSW - Baptist
Address: 16 Harrow Road, , Auburn New South Wales,
The Church commenced in 1888 with services held in school house in a paddock at the Meat Works Auburn.
Auburn, NSW - Chinese Christian
Year Built: 1955
Address: 16 Harrow Road, , Auburn New South Wales, 2144
This church building was part of the Baptist church next door. A Foundation stone for this building reads, " This stone was placed to the Glory of God by Rev A.C. Le Claire Pastor 10-9-55".
Auburn, NSW - St John of God Catholic
Year Built: 1915
Address: 2 Alice Street, , Auburn New South Wales, 2144
The Church was built in 1915 in the Federation style. A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. Blessed and laid by Michael Archbishop of Sydney April 9th 1916".
Auburn, NSW - St Philip's Anglican
Address: 48 Hall Street, , Auburn New South Wales, 2144
A Foundation stone reads, "Peace Memorial Church of St Philip to the Glory of God and in commemoration of the signing of the Peace Treaty at the close of the Great World War i914 - 1919, this stone was laid by His Excellency Sir Walter Davidson ,K.M.C.G. Governor of New South Wales 9th April 1921 Te Deum Laudamus".
Auburn, NSW - Uniting Harold Wood Congregation
Year Built: 1910
Address: 151 Auburn Road, , Auburn New South Wales, 2144
Auburn, NSW- Presbyterian
Year Built: 1905
Address: 29 Queen Street, , Auburn New South Wales, 2144
Constructed in 1905 in Federation style designed in a cruciform-shape with large plinths and a substantial extension to the rear. The roof is clad in corrugated iron which has replaced an earlier tiled roof. The Church walls constructed of face-brick with polychromatic brickwork are set on a concrete base with brick and concrete wall…
Auburn, SA - Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Year Built: 1866
Address: Elder Street, , Auburn South Australia, 5451
A former Wesleyan church this Gothic Revival church was built in 1866 by Joseph Meller and Scott. Constructed from Auburn bluestone it has symbolic pillars capped with open bible design, stone cuts with fine lines. The building was later used as a Sunday School when the Wesleyans and Methodists merged until it was sold to the Catholic…
Auburn, SA - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1862
Address: 17 St Vincent Street, , Auburn South Australia, 5451
A Historical wall plaque reads, " A Gothic Revival church constructed form Auburn bluestone with quoins and dressings of Watervale sandstone it was built by Pike and Dale in 1862. Joseph Meller and James Scott cut the stone and Joseph Jones was one of the stone masons employed on this project. The roof is of Welsh slate while the steps…
Auburn, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1869
Address: Curling Street, , Auburn South Australia, 5451
A Historical plaque attached to the building reads, "Former Primitive Methodist Church, this attractive stone church with bluestone quoins and dressings and walling of calcrete, was built by Joseph Meller in 1869 on part of an aboriginal corroboree ground. After church union it was used as a Sunday school, then sold in 1889 to the Orange…
Auburn, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1861
Address: Main North Road, , Auburn South Australia, 5451
Opened in 1861 this former Bible Christian Chapel was built by Joseph Meller. The building is of Auburn bluestone and Watervale sandstone. William Threadgold was the carpenter. The first services were holed in a blacksmiths shop in 1850. The Church is of simply gabled hall with rather austere wall surfaces relieved by Romanesque derived…
Auburn, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1888
Address: 81 Oxley Road, Hawthorn, , Auburn Victoria, 3123
Between the 1840s and 1880's the Hawthorn Circuit occupied and subsequently outgrew a number of buildings until in 1886 a new larger, site was selected on the corner of Oxley Road and Hepburn Street. Originally a Wesleyan church the building was constructed in the Lombardic Romanesque style. The architect was Alfred Dunn and the…