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Year built: between 1951 and 1960
Lockington, VIC - St Canice Catholic
Year Built: 1957
Address: 27 Singer Road, , Lockington New South Wales, 2731
A Foundation stone reads, " Church of St Canice This Foundation stone was blessed and laid by Most Rev Bernard Stewart D.D. B.A. LL.B Bishop of Sandhurst 28th July 1957".
Lockleys, SA - Christ the King Catholic
Year Built: 1960
Address: 456 Henley Beach Road, , Lockley South Australia, 5032
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of Christ the King and in honour of St Francis of Assisi This stone was blessed and placed in position by The Most Reverend M. Beovich D.D. Ph.D. Archbishop of Adelaide Sunday 18th December 1960".
Longreach, QLD - St Andrew's Anglican
Year Built: 1959
Address: 144 Emu Street, , Longreach Queensland, 4730
The St Andrew's Bush Brotherhood was established in 1897 in Longreach, Queensland, by the Bishop of Stepney, Canon Body and the Bishop of Rockhampton, Nathaniel Dawes. The first group of brothers was led by the Reverend George Halford. A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was laid in the faith of Jesus Christ. In the name…
Longreach, QLD - St Brigid's Catholic
Year Built: 1956
Address: 103 Emu Street, , Longreach Queensland, 4730
The first Catholic Church in Longreach was a humble 15 x 39 foot structure made of iron, and was only meant to be used temporarily. The first purpose built church was overseen by Fr William Hanley. It was consecrated by Bishop Cani on 23 June 1895. The iron building was sold for removal. By the early 1910s, a larger church was required.…
Lorne, VIC - Our Lady Fatima Catholic
Year Built: 1956
Address: Smith Street, , Lorne Victoria, 3232
The Foundation stone was laid by the Most Reverend J.P. O'Collins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat on 15 January 1956. The architect was Alan Robertson and the builder was P McBride.
Loxton, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1953
Address: 38 Bookpurong Terrace, , Loxton South Australia, 5333
A Foundation stone reads, " On July 5th 1953 this stone was laid by CEM Tonkin Esq J.P. A.D.M.G.
Magill, SA - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1960
Address: 3 Koongarra Avenue, , Magill South Australia, 5072
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God 27th August 1960".
Magill, SA - Pilgrim Lutheran
Year Built: 1954
Address: 32 Edward Street, , Magill South Australia, 5072
The Foundation stone was laid on 13 December 1953 by Pastor O.H. Adler.
Malvern East, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1956
Address: 54 Serrell Street, , Malvern East Victoria, 3145
The first service was held on 18th April 1926. Several foundation stones have been set and include, 1. " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Sir Edmund Herring Chief Justice and Lieut Governor of Victoria August 11th 1956, Minister P.M. Roberts, Architect K.P. Reid, Builder W.E.Diedrich". 2. "To the Glory of God this stone was…
Malvern, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: 15 Malborough Street, , Malvern South Australia, 5061
A Foundation stone reads, " St John's Lutheran Church 23rd March 1958 Worship the Lord".
Mannum, SA - Baptist
Year Built: 1956
Address: William Street, , Mannum South Australia, 5238
The Church is constructed of local stone. A foundation stone was laid on the rear addition to the church on 3 June 1956 by Pastor J Doehler.
Mannum, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: Walker Avenue, , Mannum South Australia, 5238
Formerly a Methodist church. A Foundation stone was laid on 19 June 1954 by Rev G.S. Wellington President of the Conference.
Matraville, NSW - Baptist
Year Built: 1957
Address: 1 Austraalia Avenue, , Matraville New South Wales, 2036
A wall plaque reads, " This plaque was unveiled to the Glory of God by Mr J. C. Mackay President Baptist Union of N.S.W. 12th January 1957".
Menindee, NSW - St Patrick's Catholic
Year Built: 1957
Address: 45 Yartla Street, , Menindee New South Wales, 2879
A Foundation stone reads, " The Foundation stone of this the second church dedicated to St Patrick at Menindee was blessed and the church officially opened on Sunday 7th April 1957 by the Most Rev T.M. Fox D.D. Bishop of Wilcannia - Forbes".
Meningie, SA - St John the Evangelist Anglican
Year Built: 1953
Address: Princes Highway, , Meningie South Australia, 5264
The Church was built in memory of Margaret H. Bowman (1953).
Meningie, SA - St Luke's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: West Terrace, , Meningie South Australia, 5264
Lutheran services in the area go back to 1931 when Pastor T.G. Obst held services in a private home in Narrung. Services were also held in Wood Well. By the 1950's services were held in the Anglican church by Pastor Leo Doecke. On 5 May 1957 it was decided at a meeting to form a separate ELCA congregation from that of the Tailem Bend…
Meningie, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: 2 Princes Highway, , Meningie South Australia, 5264
The Foundation stone was laid on 29 March 1958 by Herbert Bruce Hackett JP.
Mentone, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic
Year Built: 1958
Address: 10 Rogers Street, , Mentone Victoria, 3194
The Parish of Mentone was created in 1904, when the area encompassing Mentone, Parkdale, Cheltenham, Highett, Beaumaris, Sandringham, Mordialloc, Edithvale and Chelsea was cut off from the “Brighton Mission”, which was ministered by priests residing in the present Parish of St James Gardenvale. The specially selected Glen Iris bricks…
Merbein, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: 130 Commercial Street, , Meribein Victoria, 3505
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God and sacred to the memory of our fallen in two World Wars A Love gift from the Methodist people of Merbein laid on Remembrance Day Sunday 7th November 1954". A further Foundation stones read, " This Foundation stone was laid by Mr Stephen Thompson on the 28th June 1922 L Howard Wiltshire…
Minlaton, SA - St Andrew's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: Maitland Road, , Minlaton South Australia, 5575
The first records of Lutheran services were recorded on the York Peninsula in the 1870's. In 1882 a Mr Johann Golthilf Bothe moved in to the area and built a Lutheran church on his property which was several miles north of the cemetery. Prior to this, services were held in several private homes including Schwarz's Farm. By March 19 1882…
Mitcham, VIC - All Saints' Anglican
Year Built: 1958
Address: 18 Edward Street, , Mitcham Victoria, 3132
Former Christ Church. The Church was created in 1888 and a timber church building was erected that year. In 1958 a new church was built on the adjacent site and the 1888 church was subsequently used as the parish hall. All Saints (former Christ Church) Anglican Church, was designed in 1958 by Raymond Berg, a modernist architect who…
Mitcham, VIC - St Paul's Lutheran
Year Built: 1960
Address: 67 Rooks Road, , Mitcham Victoria, 3131
A Foundation stone reads, "The Glory of God 13 November 1960". The Chinese Evangelical Formosan Church share this building.
Mitcham, VIC St John's Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: 490 Whitehorse Road, , Mitcham Victoria, 3132
In order to help the first Catholic families and to attend to their spiritual needs, Fr. William Mason Finn, who had a horse, travelled from the district of Warringal (now Heidelberg) and called on the families he knew to be Catholics, His parish extended from Warringal to the foothills of Mount Dandenong. One of the earliest priests…
Molong, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 57 Edward Street, , Molong New South Wales, 2866
Molong was first opened up from Bathurst as a preach ing place about 1 849. In that year the Rev. Benjamin Chapman jeported that “the mines at Molong and Bathurst had been supplied with ministerial labour once a month. The stone church was built in 1858, at a cost of £743. The transept and vestry were added subsequently. A Foundation…
Mont Albert North, VIC - St Augustine's Anglican
Year Built: 1960
Address: Corner Bundora & Rostrevor Parade, , Mont Albert North Victoria, 3129
The church is designed in a simple modern style and is built of cream brick with a glazed tile roof. It is of rectangular form with distinctive parabolic arch entrance to the gabled front porch and a rectangular tower with slender spire to the north elevation. The asymmetrical front facade contains the entrance porch which protrudes to…
Montello, TAS - Baptist
Year Built: 1957
Address: 43 Mace Street, , Montello Tasmania, 7320
A foundation stone reads, " Montello Baptist Church This stone was laid to the Glory of God by Lt Col, S.E. Joyce E.D. Pres Baptist Union of Tas, 8th June 1957. Minister Rev P Steel, Union Secretary re E.E. Watson".
Moonah, TAS - St Theresa Catholic
Year Built: 1954
Address: 24 Hopkins Street, , Moonah Tasmania, 7009
The area, New Town to Bridgewater was part of St. Mary's Cathedral Parish until Archbishop W. Hayden made Moonah a parish in 1931. Catholics formerly went to Mass in those times, either to Sacred Heart Church, New Town (built in 1880), or to old St. John the Baptist Church, Main Road, Glenorchy, which was blessed and opened by Bishop…
Moorabbin, VIC - St James Lutheran
Year Built: 1955
Address: 416 South Road, , Moorabbin Victoria,
The Church was dedicated on the 24th of September 1956 by Rev E Wiebusch vice President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Church has been turned into a block of flats and retained the original church facia. A Foundation stone reads, " Eph, 2:19:22 To the Glory of God St James Lutheran Church 18-12-1955".
Mordialloc, VIC - St Brigid's Catholic
Year Built: 1956
Address: 520 Main Street, , Mordialloc Victoria, 3195
Fr Francis O’Hanlon (Parish Priest from St Patrick’s, Mentone) had purchased a property, “LISSADELL” which is on the corner of Main and High Streets Mordialloc. LISSADELL had been the summer residence of the MONAHAN FAMILY who had previously gifted the land on the opposite corner for a church site. This property became the PRESBYTERY for…
Moree, NSW - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1957
Address: 45 Albert Street, , Moree New South Wales, 2400
The St Andrew's War Memorial Church was erected in memory of Australians who served in the First and Second World Wars. A Foundation stone reads, " To the glory of God and in memory of those who served their country in the World Wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 This stone was set by His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales…
Moree, NSW - St Francis Xavier Catholic
Year Built: 1959
Address: 39 Boston Street, , Moree New South Wales, 2400
A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. Church of St Francis Xavier solemnly Blessed and dedicated 15th March 1959 by Most Reverend Bishop E.J. Doody D.D. Rt Rev Mgr L.J. O'Reilly P.P. Foundations of earlier Church preserved".
Morgan, SA - St Mark's Lutheran
Year Built: 1956
Address: Corner High & Seventh Streets, , Morgan South Australia, 5320
The current church was formerly St. Andrew's, (VFLCA). The Lutheran Church has been active in the Morgan area since 1880 when a congregation was established at Lindley (ELSA) and Schomburgk (ELSA) in 1887. These congregations closed in the early part of the 1900's and the members formed the basis of new congregations in Morgan. The…
Morwell, VIC - St Luke's Uniting
Year Built: 1953
Address: 279 Princes Drive, , Morwell Victoria, 3840
The Foundation stone was laid on 2 May 1953 by Reverend W.J. Hunkin B.A. B.D. The Architect was F.C. Armstrong of Rosanna and the Builder was J.W. Jones of Morwell.
Mosman, NSW - St Luke's Anglican
Year Built: 1957
Address: 4 Heydon Street, , Mosman New South Wales, 2088
A Foundation stone reads, To the Glory of God this Church of St Luke was consecrated by the Most Reverend Loane MA DD Archbishop of Sydney 30th October 1966 Rev Noel ??? ThL A further Foundation stone reads, " This stone was set by the Most Reverend H.W.K. Mowll CMG DD Archbishop of Sydney & Primate 23 X11 Canon Ernest Cameron 1957…
Mount Compass, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: School Road, , Mount Compass South Australia, 5210
The Foundation stone was laid on 14 September 1958.
Mt Cotton, QLD - St Paul's Lutheran
Year Built: 1951
Address: 1257 Mt Cotton Road, , Mt Cotton Queensland, 4165
A new Lutheran Church was considered in the 1940s. The old traditional German structure adjacent to the cemetery on Wuduru Road was in a state of disrepair. A new timber church was located opposite the school and officially opened on Palm Sunday 1951.
Mt Isa, QLD - St James the Great & St Luke's Anglican
Year Built: 1957
Address: Station Street, , Mt Isa Queensland, 4825
In 1954 a rectory was erected in the grounds and plans were afoot for a new church building. To provide room, the little church was moved - this time to Soldiers Hill, emerging there as St. Oswald's, where it remained for several years before being sold for removal. Bishop Sheville laid the foundation stone for the new St. James in May…
Mummulgum, NSW - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1951
Address: 8 Bingeebeebra Road, , Mummulgum New South Wales, 2469
A Foundation stone reads, " The foundation stone of this Church of Our Lady of Fatima was solemnly blessed and laid by Most Rev P Farrelly D.D. Bishop of Lismore 8th July 1951. The Church is now in private hands.
Myrtleford, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: Corner Albert & Myrtle Streets, , Myrtleford Victoria, 3737
The Church was originally a Methodist church. The Foundation stone was laid on 18 May 1958.
Naracoorte, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1952
Address: 1 Magarey Crescent, , Naracoorte South Australia, 5271
The Foundation stone was laid on 23 November 1952 by Rev J.F. Hansen.